Wednesday, December 07, 2011

More fisherman love

Yeah! Fisherman coats in the January issue of Vogue Nippon.

On a similar note, I've signed myself up to a class next semester called 'New England Maritime Culture 1620-1840' because yes, I find myself surprisingly curious to learn about the history of 'whaling, fishing and shipbuilding' and amazed that such niche sounding courses even exist. I'll probably need to get over my slightly goofy Peter Griffin-esque 'guys, guys, I'm doing a course in Maritime culture haw haw haw!' approach by the time January comes around, but until then..


  1. good luck in your class. love this shot. so vibrant!

  2. I second Mr. Jeffrey - a bold move. Personally, 2 weeks spent dissecting Moby Dick last year(the novel, not the actual whale - although the descriptions are so graphic one may as well be) put me off fish in literature for life, but I imagine I am being narrow-minded.
