Saturday, December 31, 2011

Wrapping Up

BRR! My Christmas presents this year were bought with Massachusetts in mind and very temperature orientated: a snuggly Berghaus puffa (best tip if you're after the closest thing to a duvet-day on the go), some sheepskin gloves from my Gran, a pretty little thermal vest from Marks and Spencer from my Mum and a bobble hat bought by myself in that 'one for you, one for me' Christmas shopping patterns from the mens section in Urban Outfitters. 

I'm spending New Years Eve in Manchester, giving it one final big squeezy hug until I return in the Autumn. It's grey, it's wet, it's crap but it's Manchester. Yesterday I ate a homemade cheese and bolognese sandwich while standing in the rain, all wrapped up in my coat and hat and layer after layer, my fingers freezing and bread disintegrating and I still grinned like an idiot in love with the place. 


  1. Ah love it!

    And a Happy New year to you! x

  2. I've been considering moving to Manchester, your declaration of love for the city is a tick on the pro side.

  3. Anonymous3:11 pm GMT

    These pictures are some of the best things ever

  4. Anonymous3:28 pm GMT

    Here in Springfield MA (not far from Amherst) we are experiencing great warmth in Nov/Dec.

    I'm sure your gifts will get plenty of use in Jan/Feb.

  5. Yay, Happy new year Stevie, have a good-un in Manchester tonight X

  6. Lovely I dig it! Have a great time before you go across the pond!
