Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Ah yes, 'bathroom portraits' are a part of my life again now that I'm back living in halls. This weekend I made the most of the President's Holiday by spending 3 days in Brooklyn. It was so lovely and as much as I'm enjoying living in Amherst, it made me realise how much I'm missing city life. 

I got to catch up with some people I met when I couchsurfed across America a couple of years ago and also got to finally meet Siri. She took me for a delicious brunch at Teddy's -I had the Rancheros, she had the Strawberry and Blueberry Pancakes- and we talked about her tiny home island in Washington and the perils of deadlines. She also introduced me to Toby's Estate Coffee, a really good coffee place which has recently opened, with a big industrial coffee grinder in the corner and lots of coffee related classic design pieces on display but a joint I think to be taken with a pinch salt as it really is a hipster palace. I've never seen so many handsome haircuts, leather boots or well-selected sunglasses under one roof.

I went with a very clear ambition of buying a few additions for my wardrobe as since arriving I've exhausted everything I brought with me to the States and reached a '5 outfit' block. I picked up this camouflage coat in the mens section at Beacon's Closet (which I must say I was disappointed by given it's reputation.) It has fantastically deep pockets for furrowing my hands and my possessions into and is nice and thick so it's a practical substitute for the puffa jacket which I've been wearing day in and out. The sun was shining on campus today and wear it felt good. 

I also picked up the latest copy of Apartamento, one of my favourite magazines-I know I never stop banging on about it- and a pretty little gold signet ring with an 'S' engraved into it. And then on the bus back home I lost my absolute favourite pair of sunglasses, my transparent cat eyes that I wear at any sign of sunshine. At first I wanted to cry. And then I wanted to high-five myself and kiss the floor as a thank you to the world when I found them still available online over a year after buying them, which reminded me how important it is to buy two pairs of an item when you really, truly love it. I didn't, but you know, it reminded me that it's a good idea. One of those grown-up things that I'll do someday.


  1. Hey Lady-
    Just thought I'd drop by to urge you towards the thrifting in your own back yard(since I was always disapointed with Beacon's too). I'm originally from Northampton and moved back to Western MA after 6 years of NYC and other adventures. My fave is Savers in Chicope-- I hear the Good Will in Westfield is rocking and the other Goodwills and Salvation Armies around are always fun for a look.
    I've never commented on your blog though it's been on my bloglovin for awhile and it may be creep fest to say but if you're ever looking for a shopping buddy, or just want to come for a night out with some non-Umassers feel free to drop me an e-mail.

  2. to second deidre's sentiments.....

    thrifting in brooklyn is pretty much the worst, as far as my experience has been; not just beacon's, but the fleas and other shops as well.

    i have the best luck in small towns, such as mine in northern new jersey, west of the city, and in rural areas. upstate ny is incredible, as is rural pa.

    if you want a road trip for antiquing and vintage fun, adamstown, PA is the mecca. lots of vintage handbags, costume jewelry, cocktail ware. unfortunately, tough for you to bring most of that back across the pond, and not much clothing, but definitely worth a gander if you are looking for a random, rural adventure.

  3. Aw man, and I was praying so hard to the Beacon's gods for you that day! I'm glad you at least found something. The thing about Beacon's is that it's good secondhand shopping...for New York City. And sadly, that is saying very, very little :n ( I find good things there, but then, I also go just about twice a week on a regular basis. Anyways. Next time you're back we'll give Urban Jungle a try, it's a crap shoot as well, but when it's good it's goooood.

  4. Apartamento is soooo good this issue, esp the story about the woman who lives in a school... (when I was 8 it was my dream to live in my school for some reason...)
