Sunday, March 18, 2012

Back soon

Spring Break has arrived! I'm so excited to be spending a week in Jamaica and I've made the decision to (whisper it) leave the laptop at home. This is despite the fact I've downloaded series worth of Parks and Recreation after recommendations from friends for watching on the plane. No, instead I shall give myself a chance to properly indulge in holiday reading and disconnect from all things www. for a few days. I've left a few timed posts which will publish (and the cat food is in the cupboard below the sink and here's the spare key, the purple one opens the front door and the gold one is for the back.)
Back soon!


  1. Detoxing from technology, wonderful choice.

    Have a great time, I look forward to seeing photos.


  2. Anonymous7:31 pm GMT

    deffo watch parks and rec! best comedy atm and thats coming from an english person!
