Thursday, March 08, 2012


Today I'm keeping it very simple in my trusty heat tech top from Uniqlo and a leopard print skirt I picked up in New York a couple of weeks ago. 'Topped off' with my old suede chelsea boots, denim jacket and transparent cat eye sunglasses. I'm also wearing a ring for which I harbour slight love/hate feelings. I made it completely from scratch at a ring workshop a few weeks ago, so the love mostly stems from feeling proud while the hate stems from the fact that I'm not used to wearing silver jewellery and it only appears to fit on my ring finger. "Silver ring thing!"

The sun has been blazing down for the past couple of days. My favourite part of yesterday was eating my lunch in the midday sunshine-there's a lovely little cafe on campus which serves up lots of delicious vegetarian food with big helpings of kale and tahini, so I like to demolish a pile of greenery and fool myself into thinking that by doing so I'm instantly improving my brain capacity. Kale is a superfood right? So if I eat a pile of kale then I get to work slightly less hard without effecting my output. I'm pretty sure it goes something like that. One of the things I love about Amherst is how sunny it can be. Even when its ferociously cold the sun has a habit of lighting up every corner across campus which makes walking around extra enjoyable, especially walking past the big pond with its hoards of canadian geese, squawking and flirting in the blaze.

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