Friday, March 30, 2012


1. Anastasia Barbieri's checked suit. 2. Teeth from the Time Magazine archive. (I particularly like the photos description- "Closeup of large, straight, white teeth in mouths of a teenage girl who is a twin.") Taken by Fritz Goro in 1944. 3. Caterina Ravaglia by Manuela Pavesi in Grey Magazine SS12. 4. Chloe Sevigny in the Lizzie Borden Guest House. 5. David Bowie reading in an airport. 6. Photograph from the 'At Home in Brooklyn' series by Dinanda H. Nooney who documented 200 families and their houses in Brooklyn in the 1970s. 7. Photograph of a YMCA bedroom in Washington D.C in 1933 from the Portraits of a City archive.

1 comment:

  1. So relevant that the girl's a twin. Loving these images. Your most recent moodboards have really struck a chord with me!
