Monday, April 02, 2012

Lisa 'Botanical' Lopes

"This is great for garden lovers at home." I love this brilliant video of Lisa 'Left Eye' Lopes taking a friend on a tour around the Atlanta Botanical Gardens back in 2002. It's rather melancholy as it was shot only a month before her death, but still awesome to see her spouting some perennial wisdom in a Ralph Lauren jumper and American flag bandana at the amateur cues of 'go!' from her pal. Some great deadpan declarations of "This is a very cool attraction in our Gardens!" They also took a tour of her house in Stone Mountain, Georgia, with her kitchen ("so humungous sometimes I wear roller skates"), her trophy room (no "oh, I'll keep it hidden somewhere or give it to my Mum.." false modesty like other award winners) and her outside patio, where she ate overlooking a gleaming white suburban housing estate. 

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