Saturday, May 05, 2012

Skating in New York City


I love these photographs by Bill Eppridge of kids learning to skate in New York in 1965, when the skateboard was a new fad and exciting export from the West Coast. 


  1. Oh wow, these are really great. I love that people aren't all posed and the photos aren't predictable.

    I've never been a good skater, I'm ashamed to say.

  2. Anonymous11:50 pm BST

    Oh god, I love these photos. I went to a photography exhibition in the meat packing district of NY a few years ago and there were some similar, endorphin soaring action shots (only taken a lot more recently and with a significant lack of females.) Particularly love the young girl being chased by the super masculine van, her intricate patterned jacket and unspoiled ringlets.

  3. These pictures are perfect - totally capture the excitement (and in some cases confusion) of the arrival of skating haha. Love pictures like this!

  4. I love these photos, just goes to show you things dont really change that much. After looking at these I feel old haha


  5. Anonymous9:56 pm BST

    These pics are amazing, love them all ;)
