Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Not Another Gift Guide

After last months gruelling run of deadlines I went last weekend to Warehouse Project to celebrate the end of term by seeing James Murphy and The Chemical Brothers. Actually, I missed The Chemical Brothers because the other room was far too good to leave with James Murphy and then Horse Meat Disco playing a brilliant set of funk and italo disco. Turns out the name of this blog has come full circle in relevance-I started writing this as a 16 year old lover of Indie but these days blowing off steam by dancing to Disco is where it's at for me. 

So the Horse Meat Disco III compilation album sits pride of place in this gift guide, a theoretical present for my friends and fellow lovers of Disco (Tolly, Tom and Ned-I'm looking at you) and probably also a pretty good way of making washing of dishes on Christmas Day a 'groovy experience'   (haw) See also big dangly earrings for swishing. And a whole bunch of other stuff which is a shameless fantasy list on my part and a set of Caran D'ache pens because I use mine all the time (indispensable for making last minute and garishly coloured birthday cards) and if I was made of money I would buy them for Gigi, the most talented 20 year old colour-inner I know. 


  1. a bar in my college town used to have dance parties on wednesday nights, all 70s obscure disco tracks, usually about 20 minutes long each.... a run down, townie place, called the chanticlear.

    disco is a wonderful thing; i am convinced if you think otherwise, you have just had the misfortune of a poor introduction.

    one must practice some caution, though.... many of my dangling clip-on earrings suffered some torture from too vigorous swishing!

  2. YES! ITALO 4 EVER! This song is always my 'party classic' (oh uh I sound like a middle aged dad) x


  3. Anonymous6:26 am GMT

    what impresses me is how (the heck) you have put all of these into one pic - is that through blogger or something else??
