Friday, January 04, 2013


Clockwise from top left: Geoffrey Farmer's 'Leaves of Grass' installation, made of cut-outs from five decades worth of Life Magazines, shown at Documenta in Kassel earlier this year/ 'Ed Ruscha Says Goodbye to College Joys' Ah, that sentiment! I'm going to stick this on my fridge to remind myself to enjoy every single moment of my last semester at University starting this month/ Have you ever noticed how cool the security patterns on the insides of envelopes are? I used them in an A-Level art project and haven't really thought about them since. But after googling them earlier, it seems plenty of other people have been making cool stuff out of them. Worth a look. I like the idea of using their designs for wallpaper and dresses./ Reality Bites. I watched this film earlier this week and dang it's cool. Isn't it cool? Isn't Winona Ryder cool? And isn't Ethan Hawke cool? And isn't that scene where they all dance to My Sharona in the gas station just like, really cool?/ This post over at Mondoblog about Mexican architect Louis Barragan's buildings. Lots of mouthwatering colour combinations of buildings in peach, lilac and azur. Where's the paintbrush?/ Photograph from Alasdair McLellan's 'Manchester Division' editorial in Purple Magazine Issue 18/ This woman shot by Anne Bernecker/


  1. Thanks for this, your posts are always so rich and inspiring! Hope to see you around London soon.

  2. Happy New Year to you too! I'm pretty late for that and I guess your holiday is almost over, but here are a few film recommendations: Barton Fink, My Winnipeg, Smithereens, and Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf. I've been watching Christmas standards, The Hobbit, and Poirot/Downton Abbey episodes almost exclusively over the holidays, so I may or may not have blogged about those before--I ought to get back on track when it comes to renting movies!

    I'm lucky enough to be part of a uni system where finals take place before the holidays, so I'll be diving into a new (last!) fresh semester on Monday. Good luck with your papers and exams, as well as the semester ahead! x

  3. Yes! I love the insides of envelopes, I always want to do something with them but can never one up with anything great... Oh and yes! What a great film, haven't watched it in years!
    - charlotte

  4. Hi,
    super creative blog! incredible sense of style!
