Tuesday, January 22, 2013

These Americans


These Americans is one of my favourite websites, an archive chock-a-block with photographs and documents chronicling American historical culture. From these strangely bewitching photobooth portraits to Dorthea Lange's photographs for the FSA, the site is split into categories according to decade, state, city or by more enticing headers like 'pinup' 'prison' 'religion' and 'cars'. You can flick through photographs of Angelenos in the 1960s going about their business; sitting in a movie theatre or being examined in body scanners or the hands of doctors. There are also video clips of Candy Darling, cults, and Detroit dance clubs in the 80s and 90s. 


  1. Anonymous12:51 pm GMT

    Wow great website, I didn't know it, and I love these photobooth pics, and it has really interesting documents, new favorite.


  2. This is amazing ! I'm doing the Penguin Book Cover brief and the book is The Big Sleep. I've been trying to find 1930'a Los Angeles inspiration and this is invaluable. Thanks for sharing. Gold as usual :) M xo

  3. Anonymous6:10 pm GMT

    I love all these pics! Also, I love in your blog description - you are a fashion blogger with 'blog-induced procrastination'. That is the story of my life. You have a great blog!



  4. these are so interesting.
