Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Outfit: Summer Fringing and Fraying

Here we have one of my favourite 'get dressed and don't think about it' outfits from the past fortnight. Some Marques'Almeida-style frayed denim with good, airy armpit ventilation for the current muggy climes, and heaving stuff into the new flat. Fact fans: New flat not pictured. An outfit to wear day in, day out and to make your work colleagues think you had a wild sleepover somewhere, when in fact you just stayed in and watched The Culture Show.

Schadenfreude fans, I bought this Warehouse top two weeks ago and it is now on sale. Co-ord fans, it came with a matching frayed skirt. Sale fans, go forth.


  1. Excellent use of the word 'fans' throughout this post Stevie! Love!

  2. Anonymous12:22 am BST

    ha - make the most of your 'muggy' climate.

  3. Simple but so good.

  4. Schadenfreude is what keeps me alive...

  5. i'm such a fan of your blog :)
    thanks for writing
    this feels like one of the last places i go online where a real person is doing it out of love, not for a job or to promote something else
    so thank you!
    a longtime reader :)
