Saturday, June 14, 2014

The Weekend List: No 4. The audio edition

It's true that if you fixate on creating something new that is perfect and polished, you might never get started. I've been thinking about recording a podcast for a year now. I've taken sound recordings- this included a recent taxi ride with the Uber driver telling me about his upcoming fast for Ramadan and getting me to watch a shark video on YouTube- and fussed about interviewing friends. In the end it just took a really good margarita and the general malaise of the 'thinking, not doing' situation.

So here is my hatchet job. All recorded pretty much off the cuff with very little in the way of planning or quality control- which may explain why it begins with big promises and plods along somewhat. Either way, I thought I'd see if the Weekend List might work in an audio format. It's a work in progress, soundtracked by Jorge Santana, Tom Waits, Dee Edwards and Julia Child.

Happy Saturday, all!

Tracklist and links:
Love The Way by Jorge Santana
On The Swing Shift by Ned Doheny
Six by Dean Blunt
Link: Why more and more young women are choosing to live alone, Lizzie Porter.
Link: Have you ever lived alone? via Cup of Joe (aka over 300 comments from people sharing their stories)
Link: I want to be alone: the rise and rise of solo living via The Guardian.
Better Off Without a Wife by Tom Waits
Link: The French Chef with Julia Child: Croissants
Village Blues by John Coltrane
Why Can't There By Love by Dee Edwards


  1. Anonymous9:44 am BST

    Hi there,

    I just want to start by saying that I am not a savy internet
    blogger/user who is really involved in this sort of community,
    but I DO love your blog & have been following for many years.
    I have never even left a msg or such on a blog like this but I feel
    compelled to do so now. I really appreciate your blog & am in
    the design industry through architecture & now fashion. Yours is
    the one blog that I always come back to which always inspires
    me in the most offbeat ways. I really appreciate your down to
    earth approach & feel somewhat of a kindred spirit to your style.

    I thought your podcast was lovely & a pleasure to listen to.

    Keep doing your thing :)
    love from Sydney Australia x

  2. Please repeat!

    It definitely sounds like you had fun, and I think if you enjoy putting this together it can only be a good thing-even as a diary for future reference.

    Really listenable content and style, perfect for informing the decisions made during the day-I replied to emails and finally put a coffee machine next to my bed to this music.

    Please do more!

  3. I'm a bit like your first commenter - I've probably been reading your blog for over five years, but am not much of a commenter usually (sorry). Just wanted to drop you a note to say how much I enjoyed this. Now I just need to find a way to hold off from listening on a southern hemisphere Monday afternoon at work and hold out for the following weekend instead! Look forward to the next instalment.

  4. Anonymous6:15 am BST

    sew good! love from sydney down under

  5. Stevie this is so great! I'm only about a minute in and already know that I will thoroughly enjoy this. In the same vein as the previous commenters, I've been reading your blog for years (follow your tumblr as well) but have never left a comment. This podcast is just the push I needed to speak up and come say hey and tell you what a delight your blog is to read.. and listen to! :)

  6. I cannot bloody wait to listen to this when I've got some minutes to spare :) Such a creative idea - your blog is really turning into a great alternative to the weekend papers!

    Keep it all coming when work's not too busy xxx

  7. This is is so cool we should collaborate sometime haha.
