Saturday, June 21, 2014

The Weekend List: No. 5

Hey! We made it through another week. All the way to the 25th Saturday of the year. Next week we'll be exactly half way through the 2014. Did you do all of those things you said you would do? No, me neither. But I've also managed to do lots of things I wouldn't have predicted when the year started. Like soberly headbanding and dancing the Led Zeppelin's Whole Lotta Love on a stage in front of family, friends and strangers as part of my involvement with Summer. Or walking up to a nice looking guy who had been making lots of eye contact with me in a bar and getting rejected but not minding much because actually having the courage to have say something was such a relief. I also got promoted and offered a role so completely out of my comfort zone that sometimes I just want to hide in the toilet at work but so far I haven't!!! *Pats self on back* On Thursday I went to a place by myself to watch England lose to Uruguay and I'm moving into my very own flat this weekend. I've also been better about meeting new people, spending less time safely enjoying my own company and overcoming that uncomfortable moment of walking into a bar alone to find somebody on the other side. In short, this is a nice half way to point to look behind and ahead and think "okay, we're doing alright..", whatever that means for you. Without further ado, this is the latest Weekend List:
Clockwise from top left: Garry Winogrand's portrait of women in Central Park,  Jeanette Winterson's Twitter profile picture, a plate of Norwegian snacks, Billy Liar image via Daniel Weir's Instagram, Duke Ellington's Money Jungle, 'Far From Home, Born To Roam' patch from Explorer's Press.


Jeanette Winterson's Twitter account is wonderful and good for simple and poetic observations about home-growing spinach, calling-out of Jeremy Clarkson and photographs of washed and jointed bunny rabbits.

"This dazzling America street photographer cut through the artifice of art and the portentousness of reportage to somehow, in a way rarely rivalled let alone equalled, snatch coruscating images of an ugly, lovely, hilarious raw reality out of the craziness of his times." A Garry Winogrand retrospective in pictures via The Guardian.

Berlin, Baugruppen and Mental Walls. Excellent and engaging post from Jones the Planner, unpicking Berlin's architectural monuments.


I've already talked about how excited I am for Sebastien Tellier's upcoming Brazilian concept album. He's curated this playlist for Mr Porter and guides us through his favourite tracks- from intros to the songs that influenced the new album to gems from Stevie Wonder.

Do your funky thing! 'Dancers wanted' host sporadic club nights in Manchester and teamed up with Ruf Tapes to produce this bloody brilliant get-up-and-dance soundcloud mix. Mmm ch mm ch.

I don't know much about Sun Ra. My knowledge spans about as far as his insane cosmic get-ups, all floor-length gowns and Cleopatra-esque headwear. This weekend I'll be listening to this Radio 4 documentary Travelling the Spaceways: The Cult of Sun Ra and learning more.

Duke Ellington's Money Jungle.


I try to avoid Buzzfeed these days but sometimes they throw a curveball, like with this comprehensive and uber-attractive tour of Norway's best snacks.

The elderflower cocktail. This, for me, was the taste of last summer. When we moved into our house in August, my flatmate Rose came armed with huge jars of homemade elderflower cordial and there was a period before I started my job when we spent lots of time in the garden, soaking up the novelty of a long lawn and that post-graduation buzz with a gin and elderflower mix in hand. Yesterday I returned home to find another batch on our kitchen table, which means  s u m m e r  is here. Happily, Nat Lucas shares Elderflower Collins and Martini recipes for Toast Travels.


I bought these 'Nice' socks from ASOS last week and have been handwashing them since to maximise my wearing allowance. Poking out of boots and worn with sliders, they're just the ticket.

Explorer's Press is a great Toronto-based store selling prints, patches, badges and stationary designed for 'explorers, adventurers, observers, winners and losers.' (Lots of their online stock is sold out but you can find most of it over at Beach London.)


Badass Lady Creatives. Does what it says on the tin.

5 Steps Insanely Productive Morning, written by Dale Partridge who is fascinating and terrifyingly evangelical in equal measures. His transparency about his monthly income makes an interesting read; each month he posts detailed monthly break-downs of his income. He is also so, so wrong when it comes to posts like this one on safety tips for women walking alone at night. "Wear a whistle." and "Wear running shoes. Bring an extra pair of shoes with you to work. There is nothing more vulnerable than having to run from an attacker in high heels." Hahahahaha. Oh, please.


This week I followed Mr Daniel Weir for buildings and good design, Auberge Chassignolles for apricot tarts and piglets and wild garlic and food in the French countryside. 

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