Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Day Two: 2006 recap

2006 in my opinion was a great year, although its quite a blur as somehow it managed to fly by and leave everybody feeling a little bit confused as to where on earth 365 days went!

As a treat, heres a little 4:59 minute clip of the highlights of the Paris Fashion Week.

Whatever your day has thrown at you (in my case it was pretty up and down-but it was the last day of school before christmas, so yay!) just forget it for 4.59 minutes and lose yourself in a world of Futurism, Florals and...Wintour

1 comment:

  1. thank you for voting. i will post who of everyone has won in a few days. so far the only thing people agree on is justin timberlake. lol. the vid has cheered me up. i like this 12 days of christmas idea.
