Monday, December 18, 2006

The Seven Days of Christmas: Day One

Day One: Daisy Lowe

OK, so I adapted the 12 Days OF Christmas. slightly. After all, everything needs a little updating every now and then.

So here is the first installment of the seven days of christmas!

and look how gorgeous she is!...

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  1. of course a link-exchange type of thing can be in order as soon as i figure out how to do mine!!
    could you tell me how?

  2. cool, thanks, wow i'm going to have about 50 links now!

  3. Pretty! Her hair is incredible!

  4. haha thats such a great idea.
    are you counting down styles or models or what?
    god, shes got so much style and attitude.

  5. Anonymous11:24 pm GMT

    This is paul ("Levis" video links)
    Yes she is gorgeous (one of your friends?)
    I can see you have a strong interest for fashion.
    You MAY like this:
    this & this & this

    Let me know if you liked it.

  6. i love daisy lowes style. i wanted to do a post on her but its so hard to fine pics of her. congrats to you for finding one!
