Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Gay Disco at Vivienne Westwood

"Its good to stay at the..."
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María said...

Vivienne Westwood is definitely one of my favourites designers. I love her deconstructed suits and the pirate boots are a classic. The vintage dress Kate Moss wore for the retrospective exhibition was to die for.

Style Spot said...

Vivienne Westwood is one of the greatest designers there are. Her originality is so inspirational, and that woman has talent!

Yes, there is going to be a second round with the ones who went through, so that will be really exciting ;) Lol, I feel like it's the world cup aswell..I can't wait to see who wins the whole thing =D

molly said...

those make me wish I was a gay man

Ella Gregory said...

these have brightend my morning. i havent been on your blog in a while so its kind of like christmas with all these new posts at once.

Ally. said...

i love it. i'm a bit worried about myself, but all of the fringe and bright colors are strangly appealing

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