Madonna hit the nail on the head when the key look of her latest reinvention was a retro purple leotard!

- Rework the MC Hammer look with ballooning nylons and wild metallics in parkas and raincoats.
- Work the urban feel with Y-3 trainers and city shorts. Mix chavvy caps and fat gold chains with flirty dresses for an urban ironic edge. You'll have all the country bumpkins wetting themselves with confusion.
- Incorporate rave with neon glow and 1990s rebellion. "Nostalge" over the puffa days with Glossy black puffa jackets, and add some androgany with floaty skirts and record manbags.
- Wear battered plimsolls and flashy men's Nikes with pride.
It's about being sponatneous and effortless and painfully unashamedly street.
your aunty isn't kidding when she talks about being down with the kids!

Three words: shiny fluorescent raincoats.
i have a friend who so completely pulls off the hammerpants...hero much?
i love that bright pink rain coat. so adorable.
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