A recent trip to Urban Outfitters (the virtual one, that is) caused me to fall in love.
Not with a skinny, pretty indie boy, thumbing the leather jackets.
No, with a pair of plaid shorts. Maybe its right that girls fall in love with those who have qualities similar to their fathers?
I think theres something rather cool about finally turning around the whole socks and sandals stigma.
And why not, Stetsons are being favoured by the likes of Sienna and Kate Hudson. And the geek look is something that has now become accepted by the mainstream, but only to the level of polos, skinnies and grandad cardigans. Why can't it step up to goofy print shorts, tucked in shirts, and of course skanals (yes, yes, thats my jargon for socks and sandals.)
This brings a whole new meaning to the boyfriend look, and if its androgenous. I'll take it!
images men.style.com and urbanoutfitters.com
no i didnt know he would be on it, neither did he actaually
he hates it cos he looks 'poo' apparently
im not too keen on these mens clothes i have to say. a but too 50's dad that the beach i think.
but i love every image in your last post
i deffinately see the rachel bilson look.
what is your song? i love it!
i love the shorts, i want a pair.
*dancing to pete bjorn* hey lovely lady! i love these...so picture these, with a light casmere sweater and pumps...would this actually work? pumps and plad? or is that crazy?
there's something about madras thats so appealing, i dont know what it is. ae has a lot of good plaid shorts (or they did) and old navy never fails to deliver the cheap plaid short goodness.
I love patchwork!
Sorry I only scanned that post, I was distracted by the sexy pecs on model 3.
Weird, I looked at those pecs again and they weren't that sexy anymore. That's so weird, they changed. At first they were all Marky Mark sexy and full and then they were anorexic when I looked back.
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