So I'm getting rather sick of all this Kate Day malarchy, and her range hasn't even hit the shops yet!
But this made me giggle. It has emerged that Kate Moss will pose as a mannequin at the launch of the collection at Oxford Street on monday.
Self Absorbed?
And I really don't think thousands of shoppers are going to let Kate Moss get in the way of her spree! She'll get caught up in a stampede.
Oh dear, Model Citizen and Coco, I think I'm starting to suffer from over exposure to Kate too. I never thought it would happen to me!
Hopefully she'll lie low after all the topshop business. I don't want the Kate era to have to end for me!
i really like kirsten's spiderman red hair colour. it suits her. although ,she still looks good in blonde. and i am still hoping that mary kate will go back to her 2003 days and go brown. and over exposure of kate? is that even possible?
i'm laughing my ass off just imagining her posing as a mannequin! too bad i don't live in london, i'd love to see this. i bet she'll smoke a nice one before doing it. she'll need the high.
She seems to be slowly fading....everyone will soon get tired of her if she doesn't do anything new soon. Lasting is harder than becoming popular.
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