Phew. So things are heating up in the world of education at the moment, just finished my two day art exam today and am now preparing for my french orals next week....
garrr! So just to let you know that I'm still around, I'm just pretty busy, so sorry If I'm taking a while to respond to comments etc. Blogger is a fantastic distraction from revision, and I must resist it...
Hope you're all well, though, enjoying all the fantastic posts being produced at the moment.
I'm working on a couple at the moment (I'll leave you decide whether they're "fantastic") which should be popping up sometime soon.
I leave you with pretty pictures.
S xx
Pics style.com, dazed digital and google.
totally agree with you that blogger is a fantastic distraction , sometimes you think "okay I ll stay on just 5 min" but finally you stay on maybe 20 min ! bonne chance pour ton oral de français si tu as besoin d'aide n'hesite pas a me demander ;)
good luck for your exams. i love the irina picture
gcses are hell
i feel your pain
great pics
yeh i love the irina picture
Irina as Mickey Mouse = cute!
Good luck on your ea\xams
good luck on exams, dont get too stressed( i recommend tea, lots and lots of tea :p). pretty pictures make me happy!
ps. love the blog I'm definitely adding you to my links list!
Take a look at how I styled outfits to wear golden leggings everyday:
Thanks, have a great day!
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