As I said in my last post, both Nicole Richie and Mischa Barton have been spending a few days in New York, and obviously saw this as an opportunity to meet up for a bit of quality girl time. It's been a while, no?
So while Nicole strayed from the monochromes, Mischa ventured out in this simple coloured minidress, and some crocodile skin flats (very on cue for this season, Mischa!)
...and my question for you is..
Do you approve of Ms B's choice? And what do you think of her apparent new look? She's ditched the clashing patterns and 1970's vibe for a more modern and much more simple look. Thoughts?
I Must say I love her outfit and so, I pretty much like the dress (=
i cant possible vote cos i abso-flippin-lutely love mischa!! she looks fab last time and now! and i still love her!! go mischa!
i love the code word ''that post'' its like we have some top secret goverment thing going on!
i love voting polls they are so fun, i have to say i was very keen on this dress on mischa. if she had worn any of nicoles clothes i think she would have looked good though
oh and notice how behined grazia is with the olsen twins.
us bloggers saw them ages ago.....
Thanks for your lovely comment, comments like that make this seem all more worthwhile:-) Hopefullly it will contiue to be a good read!!!
Anyway, Mischa looks great hese days. I did like her golden hair but recently it's been looking a bit 70s or something, brown hair just seems more modern. I love this look, glad to see her wearing outfits that don't have a hippyish vibefor once. I love the metallic dress and headband combo too, that she wore recently. Although it's still in keeping with her hippy style, in the form of the headband, it's a far more up to date, young look.
x x x
I love love love her dress (!) her shoes and her bag..!!
hi :)
i prefer her new look! and i like this dress :)
Not loving this dress :-(
If I was here, I would also try to go for a darker look and try to look more sophisticated, but Mischa Barton will always be one of those people who just doesn't look good i brown hair. I think someone should tell her that, although she would probably not listen.
I adore Mischa and think the new look is great! Loved this post and the last one.
Mischa's new look is far more becoming. Much needed shift from that O.C. look she suffered from for years.
I think the new hair color is a nice change on her. I'm loving her new look, I was getting a little tired of her old look. The dress is amazing :)
she is so normal. i like that about her.
i think she looked beautiful both ways. Her dress was adorable.
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