Wednesday, March 19, 2008


I am sick of the word "accessories".

It makes me think of lone earrings separated from their other half in the summer sales, and dodgily patterned silk neck scarves.

So I've come up with a suitable alternative.
Additives. Think of throwing some additives into your outfit as a joy, it's the style equivalent of skipping to the pic 'n' mix stand at your local Woolworths and throwing some pink shrimps and cherry lips into your paper bag.

Additives are organic (no, not those additives) and give the finger to the matchy matchy connotations that accessories have. No, my sunglasses most certainly do not coordinate with my shoes and bag, cheers.

Did I sell you my new expression? Anyone got the number for the bespectacled guys at Oxford Dictionary?


  1. hm! interesting :D but you could create your very own. sth like addissories maybe?!!!

  2. Anonymous5:16 pm GMT

    interesting though i'll probably always have to do a double take when you use it and remind myself it refers to accessories haha!

    btw who was the "ladee" in the last post!?

  3. Anonymous5:18 pm GMT

    to answer your questions:
    no, it'll take some getting used to
    no, i wish.

  4. is the "Say What?" post below about chloe sevigny?

    ps - i wish i was a font nerd!

  5. I like additives instead of accessories. Other words I like...accoutrement (except it sounds a bit snobby) or effects (like from Pirates of the Carribean when Jack Sparrow asks for his "effects").

  6. im loving that expression. i might just start using it. where are the dictionary people when you need them?

  7. Anonymous8:41 pm GMT

    hahaha! interesting idea, and what a brave one, indeed!

    Unfortunately I'd still be thinking about the additives in gasoline or motor oil instead of purses and scarves ;) what's there to do? I love my additive car so much!

    Please, do carry on with your campaign, hope it won't target motor-freaks like myself and you'll get your pattern!

  8. additives! i love it!

  9. i've never actually heard of additives in the car contaxt, krpriss.

    but then again, i know nothing about the motor field in general.

    hence why this is a fashion blog!

    but I reather liked the fact that additives sounds a bit guilty and has nothing inmmediately to do wiht dress.


  10. i absolutely love it and will try to work it into daily conversation
    from there, it will spread to my friends, and then their friends and so will other people who read your blog

    yes, prepare yourself for your acceptance speech when it enters the dictionary..
    uhh, you do get acceptance speeches for that, right?

  11. i must admit - Additives is a great word!
    and i always misspell accessories..

  12. haha, great idea, I might just start using additives too, but im not that tired of "accessories" yet.

    ps. Love ur blog!

  13. I love the new word! :D

    I'm an additives addict

  14. additives
    would need some getting use to!
    i like the concept though

  15. Additives...must muse this over for awhile. Much better than frosting or icing though.
    As for Japan, I studied there last Spring for over 6 months. So the shoes aren't new, just barely worn. I can't walk in heels, sadly.

  16. Oh leave it to you to come up with a new creative word hahah!!
    It sounds so high fashion;)

  17. "accessories" reminds of the places I used to shop at when I was thirteen - you know with the cheap hot pink nail polish, silver bags which break after the first use, and makeup and belt brands that sound like designer names, but suspiciously no one has ever heard of. Lol! They're still around...
    I can't help but still use this word, though. I'm not daring enough to be different... :(
    One day, I'll learn. Lol.

  18. Anonymous5:04 pm GMT

    A word that makes far more sense than accessories.... good one!

  19. Interesting thought. And very logical. Despite I don't think it's possible changing the word accessories now...
