Thursday, March 20, 2008

Sevigny Said What and F loads of Facts

If you're feeling like a particular magazine nerd, be sure to read below for F loads of useless but lovely facts and the answers to the "Say What" post.

It was Chloe Sevigny that said this about her Daddy "Always wore a trench coat, always wore hats... he was still very masculine, and very manly and rough and tumble, but still very elegant at the same time."

If there's anyone out there who inherited their style from a bow tied, sock suspender wearing sailor, it had to be her, didn't it?

Well, I thought it was a pretty hard question, but lots of you got it right (see, i knew font nerds read this blog..)

1.) the clue "you'll be sent to the Gallos, Kids!" was a reference to one time collaborator director Vincent Gallo and Kids was tacked on at the end to drop a hint about her first film.
2.)And then anyone really in the know, may have nodded their head in smugness that the song "Daddy never understood" which was on the music player is also in kids.
3.) The quote came from an interview with Chloe Sevigny by Humberto Leon for i-D magazine. Chloe was also Photographed by David Armstrong and styled by Benjamin Sturgill.
4.) Well done to sunni muchacha, d e n i z, Lola Eliza., flashy_shades, marie-kristine, editor and thesearchforchic who all answered correctly, you clever folk!
5.) but allure revealed her true nerd credentials and you're right, you are a "super freak" but we love you for it.
5.) if all of this is going over your head, click here for the original post
6.) Now playing: bennie and the jets by elton john


  1. Oh I should have known it was Chloe - how could I not have guessed??
    I have never read i-D magazine so I was doomed from the start lol (it's rarely sold here in Australia for some reason...)
    I commend you on you extensive efforts, with regards to clues. You're dedication is really encouraging! Keep it coming! :)
    Gosh I love your blog (in case you didn't already know lol)!

  2. I LOVE your new word-addatives. And I do agree that accesories bring up visions of cheapo plastic jewelry and big patent bags.

  3. Anonymous4:52 pm GMT

    yep, never would've guessed that haha and never heard of i-D either, something must be wrong we me haha

    benny & the jets! haha i love it! benny! benny!....sorry i'll stop now lol ;)

  4. had no idea who said the 'what' we were looking for. i have to work really hard for being a freak :P

  5. That is one hot pic of The Sevigny
    I feel she has reached icon status like The Olsens and The Beckhams
    So I'm giving her the 'The' treatment!

  6. Ok I realise now my above comment was strange and made no sense!
    Long week....
    x x x x x x x

  7. you clearly are the number one chloe fan - i had no idea that was her quote but i should have known

    want to see a very gorgeous surprise? come to the blog... ;)

  8. haha i knew you would love it :)
    i love that the pink and purple is so fresh
    and thanks for such a nice comment :blush:

  9. she is the definition of androgyny

  10. cant wait for her NYLON issue - it cover looks beautiful and sooo rich!

  11. i would've never guessed it was her, haha i actually googled the quote but nothing came up!! it was a good one.

  12. i love ur blog
    have a great week!

  13. I wouldn't have guessed it was her either, i guess i'm not much of a fashion interviews nerd, is that too bad? =(

  14. oo iv missed so much! what with the demasking and the sevingy trivia! what for, darn college?!

    i love the edif paif-inspired tee. i won't say i wont be trying some sewing out myself soon, but i think its ok cos we have different post codes!

    i wish u chocolate!

  15. Anonymous11:25 pm GMT

    Love Chloe.And I want her nylon magazine right now!

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