Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Can you spell "Stylist"?

Can someone spell stylist? I can and I know that Li Lo got herself one. Either that or she started putting extra special effort into NOT putting on those same leggings again and again. I say that, but it's not strictly speaking true; she's just looking a bit better by throwing dresses and polished shoes into the mix. (Perhaps the vinyl jacket has replaced her affections for the leggings, anyway) And actually taking time to make up her face in the morning rather than smudging uneven orange onto her cheeks. Clearly Lindsay will never be on a par with Chloe Sevigny or Team Paris Vogue style wise; her look is not the most unique out there, but in her "hey day" she had a pleasing LA street look; a perfect template to pop up on the early pages of TeenVogue. Maybe moving to New York has done her good in more ways than one.

now playing: starlett johanson by the teenagers


  1. I have been noticing positive changes in her style recently too
    I don't think she is working with Zoe anymore is she? Becuase she is not looking Zobot at all!
    I think living in New York will have a great effect on anyones style!

    x x x x

  2. i'm not loving her look in these pics, but i must say it's a a big improvement.

    the lack of orange streaky face and legs certainly helps.

  3. lol. what is up with her orange skin?

  4. Great post! super graphics.

    Lilo should consider a new color palette : black is fo sho the new black, but brights and prints even more.

  5. somehow i feel that if she had gotten herself a stylist-she wouldn't still be wearing all black all the time
    all the same, i still love lilo!

  6. I'm quite like some the items shes wearing, like the sandals in the last picture. Nice to see she gone back to brunette too..

  7. Anonymous8:58 pm GMT

    These looks do border on being a little drab... but at least they're her...

  8. She's really making progress here! And big kudos for those dope nike sneakers, they fit perfect in the outfit, but why the headpiece? WHY!

    Thumbs up for Lilo, anyways :P.

  9. Anonymous9:47 pm GMT

    I agree to susie, after all, now is HER

  10. WAIT - Am i dead to the world?? When sis Lalohan move to NYC??!!

  11. those leggings were killing me, she wore them every single flipping day. and she wore them as pants, which only the super slim can pull off.

    i think she got a stylist too. one that hopefully burned those leggings. she is looking a lot better lately.

    thank you for the sweet comment. i love your blog too!

  12. There is still something about her that makes me cringe a bit, but her outfits are better.

  13. she doesn't look very good but she looks better

  14. I always try to be very careful with my comments about other people's style...but I think, LiLo can even make Fendi cloths looking like something from a rummage table...

  15. She does look a lot better, though, I'm not striken.

    However, I really want a pair of high-top Nikes now, the more contrasting the better.

  16. Her style's better now, but I can't say I particularly admire it.

    Really like the changes to the layout of your blog, by the way


  17. Anonymous12:59 am GMT

    um who cares?

  18. Maybe class can be bought afterall...

  19. i love her nike sneakers!! love the way she paired them though the head band was bad news!

    and it's SUPER that she's not slathering gaudy orange tan from a can anymore

  20. i wish she would go back to red hair

  21. gosh, lilo, i lov you, but your in a rut.

    i know u love your leggings, but remember your jeans? please, just try them on once again - for old times sake! xoxox
