Monday, March 10, 2008

Mr S

I find coming across sneaky candids of Scott Schuman such a treat.

Not only because he is usually behind the lense, but because he has this very lovable geeky quality, with his wrinkled nose and eyes sifting through the crowds for a perfect shot. I find it so refreshing that this geekiness is a Grandad-like geeky-ness; a Dickie Attenborough quality rather than the self styled geek look that frequents scandinavian street style blogs.

Seeing him completely oblivious, behind some well groomed model, seems to me to give more an of realistic insight to the posed pictures.

He knows a good suit, that Scott.
And a good pair of green shorts, too.

Ironically, I think I have come full circle.
For today, the girl crush may step aside. Scott, will you be my friend?


  1. Great post! I am pretty obseesed by Mr Schuman and it is a rare treat to see him on the other end of the camera. I have seem him the flesh in Paris...unfortunately he didn't decide to chase after me an take a shot of me but if he offered I probably would have fainted!

  2. I want him to tell me a good-night story!

  3. it seems such an stressful job! :D

  4. when it comes to men's garderobe i'm quite (actually very) conservative and i do appreciate this 'grandad-like geekyness' so much!! that's exactly the title i had in mind for my ideal menswear!
    *thank you for your kind comment. i appreciate a lot :)

  5. the old americana thing is so romantic and hot in the same time

  6. i love scott schuman.. what will we do when the sartorialist is no longer?! :0

  7. For some reason the last scentence of this post made me laugh a lot
    I have no idea why because it wasn't THAT funny! hahaha
    There must be something wrong with me. I have watched a freakishly large amount of Laguna Beach today - I think it wipes away the brain cells.
    x x x x

  8. I love pictures of him too and when he writes a little on his blog, peeks behind the camera of such a cool man.

  9. isn't there something about this man that makes you want to know more?

    ..just like the people he photographs.

  10. uhh, he has such a lovely blog.

  11. I've never really seen a candid of Scott Schuman before. He looks like a proper gentlemen. & I agree about the fact you want to find out more.

    haha I like the last line of this post too :)


  12. How could not love him if he gives us everytime all those amazingly inspiring shots?

    I wanna friends with him too 8-)

  13. Anonymous11:12 pm GMT

    hehe cute post :)

  14. Anonymous2:07 am GMT

    haha, IT IS IT IS! I recently saw him pictured on Cobrasnake and had the same reaction...

    I'm not exactly sur ethe last time I visited, or how late my compliment actually is, but I like the new layout (the last time it was dark/black colors)

  15. You summed up Scott Schuman perfectly.
    And it doesn't hurt that he looks like a Hollywood leading man from the 50s; seriously this man is brimming with CLASS.

  16. haha... he's like 'picture perfect'!

  17. Ooh so this is what the talent behind the Sartorialist looks like in the flesh.
    Lol at him in his green shorts - he's very real and I like that.
    Oh I agree, that 'self-styled geekiness' really annoys me.

  18. Anonymous1:30 pm GMT

    Gotta love the sart!

  19. i love him! whenever i see photos of him the first thing i think is, how tall is he? he look so short in candid photos, but maybe it is because tall and slender models are walking behind him...

  20. He is geeky with intellect you can say! Not geeky because it's fashion, and that makes him fashionable :P!
    Like the outfit with the green shorts, he knows :P.

  21. I want to meet him someday, not because he's good looking but he seems like a nice and genuine person!

  22. Anonymous9:01 pm GMT

    Hi Miss

    I love Discotheque Confusion so Much!
    We can echange links if you want.

    Hello from Paris

    Maillard Hebdo

  23. I am not very into menswear, but I like his style. I think I've already told you, but just in case, I like your new header

  24. Lovely to see some pictures of the genius himself :)

  25. He looks really good in the black and white shot.

  26. so absolutely true.
    He's so chic, but its not often that we get the chance to see him!

  27. Interestiing to see him, I agree with what you say about his geek quotient - much better than pretentious, self-conscious geek style.

  28. I like your blog =)

  29. i think i might have a crush on him ;)

  30. i think i might have a crush on him ;)

  31. Great post!I love this guy!
