Friday, March 07, 2008

Frosting and Ice

While some grace the magazine covers and attend press conferences to promote films, Victoria Beckham's tour of establishing herself as a style icon continues.
Oh, I say it fondly, because although most of the rest of the world can't quite see it, we Brits have rather a soft spot for the Beckhams. And I have to give her credit for being such a good sport with that Marc Jacobs advert. And not forgetting, of course, that laid back grey tee and sans-handbag combo from this week; so refreshing in comparrison to the usual rigid uniform.

Posh's latest "venture" is onto the cover of UK Vogue where she has been "Vogue-ified" as Editor in Chief Alexandra "Mrs Business" Shulman put it. Uhh, yes. Shot by Nick Knight and styled by Lucinda Chambers describes her as resembling a "Cecil Beaton Muse".

They've kept her glamour in check with plenty of luxe fabrics and "frosting", but I'm afraid to me (bearing in mind the issue hasn't yet hit the shelves) like another of Vogues interpretations of Glamour. Remember the "Glamour Issue" back in September, which had Sasha P gracing the cover with a similar perm? But who knows, perhaps this time I shall be forced to eat my hat. But I don't think I'll be rushing on the phone to Stephen Jones to help me prepare for this event.

now playing: it's not you it's me by coconut records
ps, I update the music player with each post, but it doesn't automatically start, so give it a click and let it buffer, if you fancy hearing something new.


  1. She looks pretty, and I don't usually think that of her.

  2. I loved this photoshoot because they didnt do the predictable hard and sexy look with her
    it wasnt as bad as i thought it would be - she looks quite pretty

  3. ps - i saw the editorials.. nothing stunning
    only thing really worth looking at is gemmas ad with terry richardson

  4. cecil beaton muse??? hahahaha lol that's so funny. who would imagine that anyone in this fashion world would speak for her like that. well.. congrats ms beckam :D i don't really like the photoshoot. she poses like a model and not like herself. misunderstanding!

  5. I love these pictures of her, the photoshoot is amazing. I'm really surprised (in a good way) to see all these naive-romantic pictures of her, it's probably because I'm used to see her a little more "sexy". I have to say I like this side of her better than the "I'm really hot" ones.

  6. These are SOOO much better than the terrible Elle US shoot. I don't know if you saw it. At least they make her look ethereal rather than fashion commandante!
    And thanks for all the nice comments on my blog =)

  7. I like the photoshoot, alot softer and prettier!

  8. Anonymous8:53 am GMT

    Thank god the issue was a fat one otherwise I would not have bought it with that overly dominating cover.... I think they could have done a better job but it was very in yer face....lacking the subtlety of Cecil Beaton really...

  9. she does look good, i must admit. but her face really puts me off buying the magazine.

  10. The cover isn't all that, but the other pics do look lovely. I like that curly hair.


  11. i'm jst amazed the photoshoot has so much movement, victoria normally looks as rigid as the botox that's in her forehead.
    p.s thanks for reading my blog. i've changed addresses

  12. i like that photoshoot for her! its different than waht im used to seeing her like

    im currently in love with coconut records at the moment :D

  13. I have a soft spot for the Beckhams too. But I like to think of myself as a bit of a Brit.
    I love Victoria on Vogue, it was about time she made something like this, she is good cover material!


  14. okay she looks great on some pictures but i definitely dont consider posh as an icon !! just look at your very old people's mag to realize how bad it was first !! an icon is for me someone dressed fashionaly cool without havin to be 30

  15. i actually like her cover, she looks much more "softer" than usual

  16. i actually don't like victoria beckham. especially not as a "style icon". everything seems so forced and unnatural, and most of the time i don't understand why so many people like to copy her style.

    maybe that's just me?
    on the other hand, she does look pretty in these shots and there's a soft beauty about her.

  17. I am not overly crazy about the cover, but the rest of the editorial I LOVED.

    I am a fan of hers and yes she tries too hard to be seen as a fashion icon, but lets face it she is.

  18. Oh and I agree this is 1000 better than the hideous Elle editorial

  19. I cannot wait to buy this. She is so fierce, I don't get how anyone could hate her.

  20. I don't like the cover, basically because she is on it. I think Siena looks much better in that Glamour Issue's cover you talk about.

  21. After those entertaining MJ adverts and the resurrection of the Spice Girls, in fact...I think...I like Posh, orange skin notwithstanding. She's so ridiculous that I can't not like her. There, I've said it.

  22. Perhaps I'm actually a Brit at heart - I love the Beckhams.
    I'm so over everyone dissing them, just because they're 'targets' now. Vic is stylish, and always looks put-together. If that's not to be admired then what is? :)
    One thing about Vogue covers which annoys me (and it happens here in Australia too, much to my annoyance) is the use of pink, blue or other such colours with regards to the text on the cover. Don't get me wrong, I love these colours, they're my faves, but come on people - this is Vogue magazine we're talking about, not TeenVogue, Seventeen or Girlfriend (Aussie equivalent). Sorry, it's petty but its makes a huge difference, in my opinion. Am I the only one?

  23. I agree with the above...I think I'm a Brit at heart. I love the Beckhams...I just love the UK period (I visited once and never wanted to leave). I think she looks lovely in these photos

  24. Posh "graces" VOGUE?
    I'm a VOGUE addict but I think I'll skip this issue...

  25. i love posh, i can't really put into words why exactly that is, but i'm addicted to her
