Wednesday, March 05, 2008

A Visual Wolf Whistle Moment

The title is an ode to Deex's over at Pistol Whipped's most recent post, and I thought "visual wolf whistle" was the perfect way to sum up that instant "ohmygoshthatoutfit" moment that we all experience every now and then.

I just had this wolf whistle moment, but it wasn't at a gig or on the bus as usual, it was on the net, which really dilutes the great moment that it usuallly creates (is it only my system that creates adrenalin when a perfect outfit rocks down the street? it's like i'm excited on the person's behalf for putting together something so genius.)

but I digress.

For this momentary girl crush was Lena Headey, a brit actor (yes, I had to look her up..) with a not so great resume, but what do I care.

Take a look at this. Well, I fear that I have over-hyped the moment, but really I wanted to put more emphasis on the wolf whistle moment rather than her outfit. Instantly assuming the tee was Urban Outfitters (she just has that look) I found it on the online store (on both sides of the atlantic).

This look is very easy and perfect for a day when you fancy hitting the snooze button on your alarm. Roll out of bed with 20 minutes to leave, skip washing your hair and pull this gear on with a squirt of your fragrance du jour. Of course, the just "got out of bed look" doesn't excuse sleep breath or dribble mouth. Whoa there, don't be forgetting etiquette.

now playing: a sunday smile by beirut


  1. Her style reminds me of a friend back home. I hate it when ppl with the hip just-got-out-of-bed look have the breathe as well. You are right. We must not forget etiquette!

  2. Haha! I've never heard the term wolf whistle, but I totally understand what you're getting at. I love the t-shirt, and have the feeling it may be mine very soon!

  3. oh yes i know this 20 minutes to leave.. freaky mornings! i luv your new style :)

  4. Hi talented stylish friend

    congratulation for your blog : very great

    i just finished my Paris fashion week photo romance. I try to humanize fashion and mix it with the beauty of Paris.
    i hope you'll like them

    ps : some stories are translated in the "english" section

    best regards

    street style romancer in Paris

  5. it is amazing how a simple outfit can look so good.

  6. I'm a sucker for neon tees so I love this! UO is so overpriced in the UK though =[

  7. great blogpost.have a good day!

  8. Nice find
    I have never heard of her either, what is her CV like then? A bit of Hollyoaks possibly?
    x x x x

    And those black shades are just soooooooo sienna!

  9. i like the "graphics"..

    they have gladiators at topshop!! aaaa!!!

    her t-shirt is typical urban outfitters, I saw it and thought of the store.

    who is that girl? i don't know her, but she looks interesting.. hmm..

  10. oh and by the way something I noticed.. isn't the site you have in your March's best reads called magenta peepshow and not magenta peepshop? that is all! bye :)

  11. It's also a budget friendly option!!

  12. Love gladiators. Ms. Headey is in the new Terminator series, no?

  13. These are the simple outfits of summer that I love

  14. i love bright shirts and i love the look!

  15. Well I'm not such a huge fan of the Tshirt 'cause I've seen others that I like better. But the Roman sandals are always welcome =)

  16. i loooved that "grrrr" t-shirt!

  17. i loooved that "grrrr" t-shirt!

  18. i love this idea, this should be like a weekly thing on your blog! i love the just got out of bed and threw this on look.

  19. This look is simple 'n yet still cute 'n stylish. She pulls it off well.

  20. Oh I love your new layout it's so fresh and chic i'm jealous!!
    I'm totally going to get those sandals when it gets warm!!

  21. I'm sorely tempted to buy those gladiators from Topshop, they're uber cute!

    I haven't heard of Lena Headey before, gotta google her.

  22. a very "visual wolf whistle moment"!

    ive yet to see anyone wear a t-shirt like this, and seeing it now... its great!

    i love this blog :)

  23. Great look, love the bright shirt

  24. i like this t-shirt. saw it in the oxford street store the other day.

  25. Love the name of the post. She definitely rocks that t-shirt. I love your new header; gorgeous.

  26. She went to my school and my english teacher taught her! I know what you mean about being 'excited on the person's behalf for putting together something so genius' I love that.

  27. Anonymous11:49 pm GMT

    I'm likin' the wolf effect.;)

  28. Love the new graphics style design!!

    Amazing new header

    And great post, very magazine like.

    Speaking about magazines...remember our little "secret"??


  29. love that wolf shirt!!!!
