Sunday, March 02, 2008

Sunday Pleasures

It's been a while since this blog last saw a delightfully trashy celebrity post. It's Sunday. It's when that "day before Monday" syndrome kicks in and trivial delights help to distract the calling of workload and tedious preparations.

Today is also a significant day...drumroll... because I have lifted the Lauren Conrad ban. I always think carefully about the people who grace this blog and reality stars are usually banned, but there is no escaping the fact that girl hired a stylist!

If there was anything guaranteed to get the Olsens out of hiding (wise plan, attacks from PETA, US tabloids and dodgy Heath Ledger business, they did good staying out of the limelight..) it was Paris Fashion Week. And ever the exhibitionists, they showed off a couple of new looks.
Whilst Mary Kate received lots of attention for that Givenchy studded jacket, the simplicity of this outfit from Ashley caught my eye. As did a very similar look from newly fringed Rachel Bilson.

Both looks show how girls who cover up are always sexier than those who leave everything on show. Casual cashmere sweaters (reminds me, must pop into Uniqlo..) paired with killer heels; so easy and effective.

I'm guessing Lo Bosworth is to became a regular fixture in The Hills (another of Sunday's guilty pleasures..) as the season continues.

She hardly seems on a parr with Whitney who appears to be the only one on the show with a genuine interest and understanding of fashion (although bizarrely this never translates to the red carpet..) but she certainly has more style potential than Audrina. Another example of great simple style, she comes across a little American Apparel and makes me lust after a pair of aviators; a refreshing change after two summers of wayfarers.

Julianne Moore, Natalie Portman and yes, Rihanna all caught my eye when out this week. (that's right, I personally bumped into each of them. hehh.) Rihanna caught my eye because, well, to be honest this girl astonishes me, and not in a good way. She really has the most unpredictable wardrobe out there (even more than Fergie.) It's just so inconsistent and usually very tacky. So when I saw her donning this dress to a Fendi event, I was pleasantly surprised.

Julianne Moore, I think, has a classic style that is underestimated. For someone in her forties, she has a the kind of look that I one day aspire to. Always looking polished and groomed but modest at the same time.
Speaking on modest. Well, Natalie Portman shall never cease to be cute, will she? Click on the image for a closer peek at the fabric of the dress which caught my attention.

EDIT: I know they were looking uncannily alike during Fashion Week, but I never thought I'd have to go through the shame of confusing the Olsens! I thought it was Ashley, but is it really MK? Place your bets.

now playing: double shadow by junior boys


  1. Natalie Portman is a doll--the blue bag is a nice surprise pop of color. LC's style is vastly improving--money well spent. I remember Lo from Laguna Beach and I am a fan...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I really adore Rachel's new haircut, makes me want to chop some hair too.

  4. Rachel and Natalie are adorable, period. And Julianne Moore's hair is something I really would love to have...dammit redheads have all the luck..

  5. I think the reason we lust after celebs 'normal day' pics is that we can actually wear what they have on (or recreate it).

    I have a fringe just like Rachel's, but I'm growing it out, too much of a hassle for summer. It looks great on her though!

  6. I am in love with Natalie's Chanel bag, it is one of the most amazing colours I have ever seen the 2.55 in.
    And Lauren looks too much like she is trying to be Sandy from Grease in that number, I really think she has the worst style out of all of them (apart from Heidi)
    I love the Olsen shoes (I thought it was MK, but it probably is actually Ashley)
    x x x x

  7. Yeah Rihana is worst than Fergie, i hate her cloths...

  8. That girl Lauren Conrad, didn't she work at Teen Vogue? Why does she need a stylist then?!!

  9. i love ashleys laidback look. lame leggings and beutiful knittet sweater. simple and nice.
    have a good day!

  10. This Lo Bosworth character looks strangely like coleen mcloughlin no?

  11. Great post!!!

    Natalie Portman is so cute, I love her. And I also love Rihanna's new 'do.

  12. I keep wondering whether if those are leather trousers that Ashley is wearing. Wanting her grey sweater toooo...

  13. Your blog is looking very good.Like the look alot.Thank's for the comment on my blog.Fun with international readers.

  14. This is a great post to help offset the "day before monday" syndrome. reading fashion blogs is so much more fun than work.

    Love Ashley and Rachel's skinny jeans with platforms look.

  15. i also got confused with tha twins! *shame on us haha :P luv this post you had quite a long time to work on celebs!
    a bientot

  16. I love the shoes Lo is wearing. But I have to say Whitney is defiantly my favorite on The Hills, I really can't stand Lauren Conrad.

    x sara o

    And I'm glad I could change your mind about the film, it's really great!

  17. I love the Olsens half moon sunglasses they wore to chanel. Cant wait untill they end up on the high street!

    Also, i do love the Hills too- although i think Whitney is the only one with style potential.

    Great post :) x

  18. Anonymous5:54 pm GMT

    LOVE LOVE LOVE ashley/mk's shoes? haha i dunno which one it is either? that seems like ashley though, mk would be more bold- not saying ashley is boring because I love her classic chic style more than mk's, but mk is usually more outlandish

  19. hehe its ashley
    but dont worry the post made up for it! great graphics again! rachel looks cute but... thats about it

    great graphics again!

  20. i liked MK's outfit so much more. the white coat with the chanel bag looked so good. her shades were better too.

  21. thank you very much.

    i also like your blog and i am going to add you on my link list!

  22. I love Natalie Portman's style, and as for the Olsens, well I do like them too, but those Chanel sunglasses they wore in Paris looked a bit ridiculous.

  23. Stevie! i have to say i really love your post :) they're always very interesting to read, you're definitely a living proof to show all the people who believe people interested in fashion isn't smart that they're SO wrong, because you are so good at writing and actually sound smart :)

    I loved when you said "girls who cover up are always sexier than those who leave everything on show" i think that's what most peruvians HAVE to read (you'll understand that after watching the pictures on my latest post).

    Whitney is my favourite girl from the hills. Lauren, Lo and Audrina are cute but their outfits are boring...

    Oh, about the olsens, i think they both went and were wearing the same sunglasses (are you talking about the show where they sat next to Mario Testino?)

  24. LOVE your blog!
    + the STYLE photos! =)

  25. Bilson looks amazing...her style has become so lovely. girl crush!

  26. Wow, I really love Natalie's shoes

  27. Thank you for your lovely long comment
    lo is one of the best parts of the hills!!

    and mka really stepped it up this week, they are finally back with a bang!!!

  28. Natalia looks always so great, with a very simple style.

  29. I've got problems with the Olsens; too. Since MK has got her blond hairdo, I cannot really say who is who! Perhaps it's because they were these sunglasses...they make it hard to recognize the face!

  30. i have no idea which olsen twin is which! i use to be able to tell, but now it is much more difficult.

    im still a big admirer of rachel bilson and her new haircut is lovely. i really need to get myself a nice jumper whilst waiting for summer to come.

  31. Anonymous12:25 am GMT

    Yep.. I've ditched the wayfarers for Ksubi orange lens aviators...!

    & the cat tee is from an Australian label called The Cassette Society (there isn't a website, only a myspace page)...

  32. The olsens are truly revolutionizing fashion! Natalie portman is perfection but in a different kind of way - oh and to answer your q: i write all my posts, the credits are just for the pictures. i guess i should find some way of making that clearer. thanks though. and anais nin rocks, even though she is dead, which i know...

  33. i couldnt be happier that the olsens have reappeared! also, loving bilsons fringe, makes me want bangs!

  34. the casual sweater and killer heels look is definitely hot! MK has a certain aura that just allows here to pull off these kinds of looks so convincingly. Rihanna seems to be somewhat of a "clean slate" for fashion designers. she's going for trendsetter but seems to lack the personal style necessary to pull it off, which sometimes makes her wind up looking like a fashion victim.

  35. OMG that fringe looks great of rachel! She looks hip and young. Im considering a hair cut RIGHT now.

  36. I really like the simple look of miss olsen and miss bilson, it shows that you dont have to splash out on million dollar designer outfits just to look stylish :)

  37. The Olsen twin (although I think is MK) looks great! Love her killer heels. Rachel also look great :)

  38. i love natalie portman's dress!

  39. I love how Ashley can look beautiful and stylish as hell no matter what she wears!

