Tuesday, March 04, 2008


I already channel Margot Tenenbaum. Subconsicously, I think she is always tucked somewhere in my brain, moping about and smoking in fur.
Then sometimes I find myself wishing that I was a man just so that I could dress like Wes Anderson. And maybe Team Zissou.
Then I thought, I should just dress like them all anyway.
You have one day to swap shoes with any well known man. Who is it?
now playing: ping island/listening strike rescue op by mark motherbaugh
(from life aquatic with steve zissou.)


  1. Yah, no matter you are girl or boy.

  2. I'm thinking about buying a red hat :D

  3. Anonymous5:34 pm GMT

    love love love wes anderson for her quirky humor, amazing taste in music, and genius ability to create unintentional fashion icons

  4. yes. wes. he's a man of great talent. life aquatic has to be one of my top 5 movies. you inspired me to post a blog entry now..

    hope you're having a good day

  5. what i wouldn't give to have just one piece of that marc jacobs for lv luggage they created for the darjeeling limited!

  6. I really like wes anderson.

  7. i did have a bit of an uninspired hiatus... thanks for not losing faith in me!

  8. Oscar Wilde

    BTW, I love the new header as much as I love peonies ;)

  9. i'm liking the new header! the font-inspired by juno? the background reminds me of balenciaga's flower prints too.

    i wouldn't mind swapping shoes with wes either.but i'd like to swap shoes with matt bellamy more. the guys from interpol have good style too :)

  10. I'd take Johnny Depp's wardrobe. Now there is a man with style...

  11. Wes movies are just my fav right now. I think that David Bowie, really. He's my ideal guy to swap shoes.
    And of course, thanks for those lovely comments. I really like your blog :)

  12. OMG! You just changed your header!
    Holy shiz I was on, then refreshed my page and bam
    best header ever - totally trumps mine

    ps. wes anderson is cool :P

  13. wow... did i just say trump...

  14. does the person i swap the shoes with have to be real or can he be a character? because i would want to swaps shoes with either sean spencer or burton guster, i dont care which. and if you dont know who they are, they are from the show "psych" on usa network. it is my favorite show of the moment. i highly suggest it.

    or possibly ron weasley...?

  15. hmmm whos style would i want to pull off?
    there are a few guys i know in person who id want to steal their awesome guy-style
    i like some of princes outfits haha
    i really like guys style thats like...pinstriped pants, vests, leather jackets, hats, bandanas...rock star style!

  16. thanks so much for sharing that little info with me on my comments site. It's great when i know a bit more about what i write. Ur fantastic!!!

  17. great post! any english dandies or nick cave would serve as an inpiration for me.
    ps thanks so much for putting my blog as one of march's best reads, i really do feel grateful:]

  18. my boyfriend was Steve Zissou for halloween!!

    it was excellent!

  19. Wes Anderson is a genius. And i LOVE ur header!!

    Let's see.. Hmm.. I don't know actually. Probably Leonardo DiCaprio. He looks dashing in any awards ceremony. Or Wentworth Miller, so I can see him naked. LOL!

  20. Anonymous10:38 am GMT

    Your new header is wonderful!

  21. your new header is beautiful :)
    ..that would be marie antoinette!

  22. you rock! i looove your new header just like the rest.

  23. Dear Nick Cave during the Birthday Party era, lets swap shoes.

    Also, awesome new header!

  24. Oh, I also LOVE Margot Tennenbaum, she's so cool!
    I can't wait to see "Darjeeling Limited", which hasn't come out yet in Paris where I live.

  25. You have one day to swap shoes with any well known man. Who is it?

    Urm I don't want to wear mens shoes
    can I swap with a drag queen please????

    Love the new look
    And I also love your long comments so I really don't mind when you have lots to say

  26. hahaha Coco we are thinking of the same thing. Madonna once said "It takes a man to fit in my shoes".
    Maybe I'll swap with Marc Jacobs not for anything else but to get those fab LV stuff for free!!!
    Discotheque chic, thanks for visiting my humble shrine. Would love you to visit again. I've added you to my blogroll. Hope you add me too. *blush*

  27. Margot is my hair inspiration for the moment. Wes Anderson is sexy!

  28. I love how Margot lost her finger in Indiana. And her poised sullenness, of course.

  29. I love you for posting about the ledge that is Wes A. His dress sense is like his movies.

    "I always wanted to be a Tenenbaum."

  30. I love wes, he's the guru!

  31. Just saw Darjeeling Limited on a plane home from Italy, and loved it. Margot Tennenbaum is one of my heroes too.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Yes Wes! I've seen all of his films. I'm actually working on a post about him now.
