Thursday, April 17, 2008

case study: the girls and their hemlines

pic credits
jak and jill
childhood flames
the fashion spot
the cherryblossom girl


  1. i wear the shortest things possible.
    i'm not a fan of long dress on myself, i figure the more leg i show, the taller i look.
    this might not be true, but whatever.
    viva la short !


  2. I like 3/4 length high waisted skirts but unfortunately they don't flatter me, my hips are a little big for that. But because I am kinda shortish I wear kinda short skirts/dresses, but never too short, that is just unflattering ;)

  3. Anonymous8:43 am BST

    Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Aluguel de Computadores, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

  4. Anonymous10:33 am BST

    Love the dress with the flowers !!

  5. Anonymous11:40 am BST

    One day I'll realise that I have to put my gams away and that will be sad indeed....

  6. long dresses/skirts just wont do for my short height [I dont care, that's my excuse anyway]! I say short sexy hemlines for the win- that and cute short shorts!

    I especially love the proportions of the brown knit/ short cream skirt you posted.

  7. i am definitely a fan of the shorter hem lines, makes your legs look longer, you can wear fun ruffles and prints and it isn't overbearing aaaaaand to stop it looking slutty (if it was going to look that way, it often doesn't) add some tights. and of course, the shorter things are the more you can show off some crazy coloured tights.

    i've just linked you to my blog as you are one of my daily reads and i love your blog!

  8. Ohmy that dress on the right is sooo cute! And the pose too btw :P.
    And like the outfit with the dark brown? sweater and the light skirt, oeh and those white shoesss!

    Better words; great inspiration collage!

  9. oh boy the shoes!!! I love short hemlines but am either not allowed to go TOO short or I'm afraid of looking slutty cause my legs are so "hispanic-y"

    This is Fabi from Diary of a TWF and I had to cancel my gmail account and now can't access my blog!! I'm sooo sad :( so this is the new address change the link please? and help me spread the word?? thankyou stevie!!!


  10. You always make the best collages.

  11. I've missed your posts; even though your last one wasn't really that long ago!

    your collage is full of inspiring outfits.


  12. My style is similar to the girl with the high waisted white skirt, black t-shirt and galdiators. Adore this look!

  13. I wear mostly just above the knee length skirts/dresses... I wish I could pull of the mini!

  14. Lovely collage, very inspiring!I love the girl with the flowery dress on the right.

  15. The shorter the better I say, though with heels too is only for the very brave!

  16. great collage and cant wait to hear more about your trip!

  17. This collage is great.Which program are you working with?
    I really like your blog.Do you want to exchange links?
