Friday, April 11, 2008


Just a quick note to say "hi, i'm still alive!".
Everythings been pretty busy. Celebrity spottings.. bianca from ANTM (not so celebrity) and then the polar opposite...I've been soso excited about this one..
I met Ryan Gosling! addition to that, I maintained my cool and didn't get all school girl giggly about him despite my Half Nelson crush.
Also saw filming of Lipstick Jungle in the financial district and got some SJP gossip from a guy in a thrift store.
Not bad!
Now off to MoMa and Guggenheim to counteract all the braincells lost during shopping!

I've lots to catch up on, including comment replies, but bear with me! (or is it bare with me?..)


  1. I am so jealous of you meeting Ryan Gosling and not turning into a fangirl because I know that's what I would have ended up doing ;D

  2. Ryan Gosling! I work above a film studio in NY, and the only person I've ever seen is Luis Guzmán. I'm quite jealous.

  3. how did u get to meet all these people?

  4. Wow, sounds like you're having so much fun! Enjoy your trip!

  5. How exciting! What is the gos on SJP?

  6. Lucky you! I can't wait to hear everything. Enjoy the rest of your visit


  7. ooo sounds fun! make sure to tell us all about it!

  8. Omg you met Ryan Gosling?? Is he as hot in real life as he is on screen?
    Oh wow so Lipstick Jungle outlasted Cashmere Mafia? I had no idea...well I'm glad at least one of those two is still on the air to satisfy the cravings. Lol.
    So whats the SJP gossip? Anything seriously juicy? ;)
    Hope you're having an awesome time!

  9. OH WOW! I love Ryan Gosling, he is a god :D good on you for maintaining your confidence, I would have probably ended up a mess haha :)

  10. You met Ryan Gosling?God,you are so lucky!I saw The Notebook two weeks ago an I have obsessed with him ever since, I watched all the movies in which he plays that I could lay my hands on!
    He is such a good actor(and I am not going to lie he is sooooo gorgeous too!)

  11. Well, I am not sure we can use the word "gorgeous" for a boy (sorry I am french) but anyway I am sure you understand me,he is soooo handsome!

  12. I am SO JEALOUS of you- you're in NYC (aka one of my favorite cities in the world. It also happens to be one which I have yet to visit!)Hope you're having a fabulous time!!

  13. i am mighty jealous of you.

  14. u are from bristol??cool..when i was 7 i used to live in plymouth

  15. romany: he was much better looking in reality, which is saying something seeing as he's very handsome on screen. and the fact that he was carrying a bunch of flowers made him all the more loveable. he sometimes has the tendency of looking a little unattractive in premiere photos. not like that at all.

    daphne: in that case i recommend that you get your hands on half nelson. It's one of my favourite films, with great brooklyn scenary, lovely cinematpgraphy and a great soundtrack (broken social scene). and he's incredibly attractive in it, even if he does play a bit of a fuck-up.

    kaye: i feel your pain; I find it particularly painful when i'm sitting in college trying to to think about my plans to go interrailing and how that's where I want to be now! We better start saving!

    Thanks for all the lovely comments everyone!

  16. sounds like you are having a good time! im jealous.


  18. ryan gosling?! did you get a picture with him- im so jealous! haha and bianca.. did you give her a look?

  19. Oh New York
    You know I actually have a nyc building set out of wood in my room so I can look at the city
    if that isn't sad I don't know what is! hahahahah
    Glamour's list was terrible, I read it thinking you how you would react too!
    x x x x x x

    p.s I will email you back asap! Hope you are still having a great time!

  20. Anonymous10:19 am BST

    awww how i'd love to be watching the notebook right now.... the drones of work! Hope you're having fun in NYC... how could you not be, right...


  21. it sounds like you're having an exciting time!!! can't wait for the posts you'll dedicate to nyc when you come back (hope you will hugh?!)

    take care :)

  22. Anonymous10:08 pm BST

    wow! ryan gosling! celebs are just swarming there. i met katie holmes & suri when i went last fall!!

  23. I freiking love Ryan Gsoling!! So jealous...oh and btw, Half Nelson was so depressing. Have a great time at the Guggenheim...It's ridiculous that I've been to NY 6 times and still haven't ever been there!

  24. *jelous*

    juliet xxx

  25. Very jealous that you met Ryan Gosling!

  26. Enjoy your time! Everything sounds great...

  27. HEYYY, YOU MET RYAN GOSLING!!!!! You're so lucky Stevie, How do you meet him????????

  28. Anonymous7:48 pm BST

    Hark steviee :D...a chanel jacket!! OOohhhh grrrr...
    Anyhow, just thought I'd pop you a graand comment, and say - if you need food that's uber, uber, uber good go to Dallas Jones BBQ (178 West Houston St/Corner of Bedford) it is pretty phitty - spesh those Baby Back ribs! Aaaand...I would recommend a trip to China Town, not only for the vibe, but as a fashionista you would love to compare some of the v v good fakes to the real "it" bags!!
    xxx (Pirate Ellie :D from hometown Brizzle)

  29. Anonymous7:48 pm BST was dior n'est pas??! Corr...whatatard am I?!

  30. it's bear; my friends call me the walking dictionary, so you can trust me :]

    you're so lucky !
    ooh, i wish i were there.


  31. ohh it sounds like you are having an awesome time, enjoy.

  32. Oh what I would do to be where you are right now!

  33. sounds like you're having an amazing time.

    i miss your posts!

  34. you're so lucky! I wish I could go to NYC! maybe next year. It must amazing, isn't it? nice picture, and I am sure you'd like the museums. I am looking forward to hearing how it was!
