gareth pugh on a bus. viktor and rolf stage lit dress on a street corner. martin margiela to a premiere..
she can always be relied upon to satisfy our senses; fusing perfectly sound and visuals and the bloody marvelous music video for "you know me better" is living proof.
i stumbled across some rather sacred text; Claire Edmondson, who styled the video with roisin shares the love and the ideas behind the outfits. and "fyi", she put Feist in that blue sequined jumpsuit in her music video for "1, 2, 3, 4", so clearly she's good news.
Claire Edmondson “Roisin is really inspiring, she brings so much to the table. Usually at a fitting you pull out things and everyone gets really scared. But I’d show Roisin something and she’d say ‘yeah its amazing, and what about this?’ She was embracing everything I had and wanting to push it further."“The green dress and pink hotpants, that’s a vintage look. There were so many costume changes you can’t really plan them ahead of time. I just did a massive, massive shop basically and then you start building outfits from there. That green dress I knew would be great somewhere, I just didn’t know in what context, but it would end up in the video. And it turned out to be a really strong look, I really like that one. And the ruff again is by a local designer."
i'm a real nerd when it comes to stylists and their thought processes. especially when it has something to do with such an exciting and innovative artist. click here for more breakdown of the costumes, fellow nerds.
those photos are so interesting.
I ahd no idea she was the one behind feist's costume for 1234!
ohmygod, anyone who puts an artist into a jumpsuit so nicely is a genious seriously.
*puts on nerd glasses, gets out a pen & starts taking detailed notes*
that page you found is amazing!
we definitely share the same loves, darling.
ps. did i mention how much i freaking love roisin?! & i think this song just gets better with each listen...
i love the shot of her at 1.33, who knew she could look so good with dark hair?
oh & i must go out & buy some organza ribbon to wrap around my head in a gigantic bow asap :]
I LOVE Fiests outfit in that video clip, it was truly for me, what made the clip so fantastic :)
Those photos are so inspirational and gorgeous, now I want to go out and shoot gorgeous women in their kitchen wearing beautiful clothes ;)
im lovin that video !!!! that's a cool post dear
I need to investigate more about roisin now :)
Ah yes, I blogged about this amazing video a while back... Clare did some amazing work using vintage, new designers and known designers... a really good mix...
Yeah you really can tell that she understands and loves fashion!
It's always good to have someone who honestly gets 'it' if you know what I mean.
Also I name dropped you in my latest post!
I do think roisin has a great sense of style. Love the outfits in this video, and great link for the breakdown of costumes.
ohh i didn't know claire was responsible for Feist's blue jumpsuit. Rosin looks lovely, i might have to check her out a bit more. Thanks!
the pictures are so awesome
yay! hat with tulle! socks with shoes! oh my god, i love this music video. it's just trippy enough to get away with not being a fashion photoshoot. i want her babies.
finally someone with some interest!
theres too many so and so stars with stylists and the same bored look
she has her own unique thing - great post :)
i love the vintagey, classic heels with socks! one of my favorite looks! (well... to look at. cant really wear heels yet. not allowed.... ) anyway, the video is fabulous, all the hats and the big hair are so cute and happy!
love, eliza
I'm flattered, thank you for your kind words. I actually read your blog often, but have been absent from the blog world lately, due to work/travel.
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