Monday, July 07, 2008

fashion brain

a little peek inside the brain of that girl who sits at her laptop tapping away for discotheque confusion.
(thats the same girl that never speaks in third person)


oh, and ps, a good "source" tells me with confidence that lara stone has a boyfriend. so she's ruled out as one half of fashions new power couple. i give up, it's too hard to guess.


  1. hellllo!
    how are you?
    i have come back after too long
    i love your posts i have missed lots gonna go catch up!

  2. This collage is really cute! But when i enlarged it the words became blurry... couldnt really read them =(

    I do like that brain pic in the background.

  3. i don't even manage to enlarge it..
    i tried reading it this way! but no i can't!!!!

  4. i don't even manage to enlarge it..
    i tried reading it this way! but no i can't!!!!

  5. I could easily get lost in your head. You must share the goss whenever another good "source" spills on who IS the power couple...

  6. again i think its the cultural difference between us. god knows alexa is everywhere in the uk right now & here no one has the slightest udea of who she is. therefore shes cooler, i guess :/ as with the geldofs.

    itd be like you getting all exciting over some photo of (insert name of silly american celebrity here) or something.

    oh, im so excited for the next issue of francais vogue too. i check tfs religiously for any insight i can get my hands on.

    & filippa! omg! im doing a post about her soon. isnt she just adorable? and in the good hipster way of course ;]

    ahh, the fourth for me is only celebrated by making homemade veggie burgers & crisps. i havent really gone all out in years...


  7. I am loving sequins at the moment! I managed to find the most wonderful vintage 70's midnight blue sequined batwing sleeved top on a recent bargain hunt. Couldn't knock the smile from my face!
    I have never heard of Filippa Berg, who is she? She seems adorable.

  8. I love this
    Sadly it reminds me of something I saw in a Bart Simpson book I owned when I was about 8!
    But don't tell anyone....

  9. I adore Filippa Berg.

  10. Anonymous12:42 am BST

    haha cute. the third person thing was hilarious haha ;)

  11. you, my dear, are the chicest girl in town! i love this little diagram. you're a gem

  12. Amazing collage! It was fun looking inot your "fashion brain".

  13. Love this collage you made!

  14. That Fillipa is such a cutie! I really do wonder how Swedish girls just manage to have "it" all the time...

  15. Anonymous1:35 am BST

    wow, filippa berg is adorable, must investigate further... she makes me wish i still had long enough hair for a chunky plait!
