Friday, July 04, 2008

su dokus and model clues keep our logic in check

Fashion news, still steaming from

"Word on the cobblestoned rue of Paris this week was about a certain recently formed supermodel couple. Backstage chatter revolved around one French Vogue-favorite stunner's conversion to the "L Word" team with another tattooed catwalker. We're of course not ones to gossip, so we won't say who, but happy guessing!"

Um, Lara, izdatchu? Because she is in Paris Vogue every month (i'm not complaining, you know she's my favourite.) and a tattooed catwalker? A model without a tattoo would be like..well, a model that doesn't smoke. but Freja has four..

Come on everyone, let's get guessing.

I wouldn't be shocked if at least one half of this couple of Lara, she's just so damn cool and is always doing something a little different, giving the finger to someone new. because although the fashion industry is the most accepting out there of gay men, it strikes me that it isn't the same for women. count the number of high profiled lesbian women in the industry, and now do the same for guys. what's going on there?..


  1. you know that thing you said about us having always thinking alike? well i just went on style, and was browsing around (which i rarely do - i usually just go to the runway pics) when i stumbled upon this news.
    and what do you know, next thing i find it on your blog! i love how you presented this too - writing, pictures....

    and the music list! i started to laugh too when i saw albert hammond jr on your list, and air.
    we'd probably get along quite well in real life!

  2. Anonymous12:53 am BST

    mhmm! i read that tidbit on thefashionspot and of course everyone automatically came up with freja being the 1/2 of it. i'd LOVE for it to be lily donaldson because her and freja are always so adorable in pictures. but, i can't really guess that well since i never look at paris vogue. =/

    i agree though on the gay women being practically extinct or brushed under the rug in fashion. i think it has to do with stereotypes. when most people think gay man they think fashionable. when they think of gay women they think wife beater, lumberjack shirt, and mullets. or at least the people i know usually come to that conclusion right off the bat. and that image just doesn't seem to cut it in the fashion world. but of course i differ with this for personal reasons and of course as a rational person and from example know that not all gay women dress badly.

  3. i completely agree, farren, i think it's all down to stereotypes.

    was having this conversation the other day with a friend, it's just a fact that for a start there are fewer lesbian's in the spotlight then there are gay men. this is in general, not just in the fashion industry. and then those are out and in the spotlight don't seem to be particularly fashionable, in a way that young people relate to.

    mary portas is an exception though. if you're not a brit, it's very likely that you won't know who she is. she is a fashion marketing guru, responsible for turning brands like harvey nicks around. she is completely chic and sharp, and her partner is the same, working at fashion mag grazia. give her a google..

    anyone else have thoughts on the this issue? please vent! i think it's such an interesting discussion.

  4. A VERY good point.
    I think people tend to go with the stereoype that for a woman to be gay she has to be 'butch' but when a man is gay he can be as camp and glittery as he wants.
    Mary Portas is such a good example like you said.
    And on another note am I the only one that really hates when models have tats?

  5. Anonymous1:42 pm BST

    I instantly thought Freja nand Lara when I read this on as well! DOn't know if I'm right though...

  6. Dear, it is surprisingly interesting post! Freja is associated with tattoo, but I don't know... I agree with you and farren... lesbian can be really stylish xxxxxxxxxxx

  7. Anonymous8:58 am BST

    Gosh...that would be an extraordinarily sexy couple....

  8. i thought of those two when i first read it. anw the thing is that women are still in a less privileged position in all terms.

  9. I want to know, but there's far too many models with tattoos to guess. It is a very frustrating double standard, isn't it?!

  10. I don't think it's that they are less accepting of lesbians but it's just that their love lives don't really seem to be as newsworthy unless they are dating a musician or whathaveyou... i think everyone is pretty cool with freja loving the ladies.

  11. ooh...a lesbian couple? and both supermodels? yes, ditto with susie bubble - "extraordnary sexy couple"

    i want to know who the other half is.

  12. U r a fashion addict ! If u want, I invite u to come to see some of the most beautiful heels, dresses and bags of the Paris fashion week !

    See u !

  13. well now that we (sort of) know it isnt lara...there is always that photo of freja & irina kissing.

    too bad i cant remember which magazine ed it was featured in. im thinking it was american though. hmm.

  14. Interesting, isn't it? In the fashion industry, I can only think of the aforementioned Mary Portas, and of Patricia Field. Other than that ... ?

    It's incredibly sad that the fashion industry (and perhaps the art world) seem to be the only spheres where a man's sexuality can be a complete non-issue, often to the extent that it's inherently expected.

  15. Whoever they are, I'm with Susie- probably one extraordinarily sexy couple! Can't get why gay women get so much flak, it's screwed up.

  16. I'm guessing its Freja

    But I wanna know who the other half is..
