Friday, July 04, 2008

sun, come and melt me

partly because it is lara stone.
and partly because this picture reminds me of that sweltering city heat in the summer.
i think i'm almost willing the weather to go that way. because the holidays are drawing closer, and still the weather is teasing us with spells of rain
even though i know i'll feel sorry for wishing this when i'm slumped in front of a fan.
i do suffer from unbearable heat, but isn't there something about it that unites?
sat on the tube/subway/bus melting, the feeling of skin stuck to a plastic seat, fanning yourself with whatever you can find and sharing withering looks with strangers.
foto decadent


  1. i thought is was lara stone too.

    i know what you mean. in the winter all i want is summer, then summer comes and i want the chill of winter again...

  2. I love this hair.. It's amazing!

    I'm actually a fan of heat, and even when it's sweltering I still much prefer it to anything chilly!

  3. Anonymous6:27 am BST

    Love this photo , hairdressing, makeup ....

    Sun, only sun for me !

  4. Anonymous7:59 am BST

    The weather is just as wishy-washy on this side of the planet.

  5. summer is so bad for the skin !! lots of spots !! no way !!

  6. Oh how I wish the heat and summer were as glamorous as that photo. Still loving summer though.

  7. come over here then, doll! its bloody hot. & i hate hot weather.

    though im sure we could find some kind of cool-fabulous activity to do, no?

    without a fan in sight. ;]

    lara is gorgeous. my latest favourite.


  8. Anonymous11:06 am BST

    i suppose their is something that unites in the heat. it is something that most everyone cannot escape. i guess it is something that everyone has to share with each other at the same time. EVERYONE will be hot together. like a togetherness...

    and i do like that shot of lara stone. beautiful.

  9. Anonymous12:21 pm BST

    Oh how I love Lara....

  10. Lara looks so stunning in that photo! But when doesn't she look stunnning?! She is such an incredible model


  11. I'm still waiting for a really hot day too so I can actually go down to the beach without bringing a cardigan or a jacket with me..

    and love the pic of Miss Stone, killer cheekbones.

  12. Lara looks so soft here...with eyebrows for a change. Pretty.

  13. I love that photograph! Well it's yet to get hot in London...although knowing our luck it'll rain all summer and be sunny for a grand total of like 4 hours...but yeah I find that there is something uniting in the heat. You'd think most people would be more irritable, but usually it tends to be the other way around, they're more considerate weirdly enough!

  14. wow, amazing photograph - or maybe just a beautiful subject? anyway i think the heat is captured beautifully.

    as always your blog is inspiring, even in the form of eyebrows attacked with yellow highlighter.

    love claire @ young-shields

  15. What a beautiful pic!
