Monday, August 25, 2008


just flicking through some chloe sevigny archives, you know how is is, catching up with my faithful style icon (six years and still going steady..) and came across these images.

they struck me as seeing rather relevant to now; with a dose of flirty lace, highwaist and glossy trousers. it was the interesting update of the leather jacket and the peeping armpits that intrigued me though, and I especially love the pairing with the print shorts which have a fantastically ugly complex about them.

credit to, for whose existence i am grateful for daily. taken from Deutsch (De) - nr. 23 2006
photos tony kim fashion editor benjamin sturgill.

don't forget the q+a that i mentioned; the blog's 2nd birthday coming up i'll be posting some extra fun posts to mark the event (maybe we can have a synchronised cake eating!) so if you have any questions to throw my way please do so. i'm expecting some high brow stuff here, guys!


  1. chloe is great, she has a beauty that's not so obvious and a style that's in your face. love her too =)

  2. Oh wow! Chloe looks gorgeous here, I have recently become obsessed with the tv show Big Love and Chloe is SUCH a different character in that show, such a great actress :)

    Question: Will you still have a blog in 5 years and what will it be like?

  3. white lace shorts & black ankle boots...lovely

  4. i love the glossy pants.

    q: what is your favorite outfit worn by someone or w/e, fashion item or something along those lines of all time? (but you need to include a pic!)

  5. q: what are you 5 pet peeves? (fashion related or not)

  6. Chloè is unbelievable...she can wear things, every person would look ridiculous but she looks great.

  7. Anonymous3:29 pm BST

    Love her style and she's beautiful !! I really love the first outfits even if I couldn't wear it !!

  8. Anonymous3:56 pm BST

    it's not fair that she makes any outfit look incredible. i saw her at a local flea market and nearly melted. i wanted to follow her around the whole time just picking up things that she touched!

  9. The jewelry she is wearing with that white blouse is fab. Love the laceys too :)

  10. beautiful pictures, love the first and second outfit

  11. Chloe is beautiful - this especially comes across in these pictures. Really like the white lace.

    In the post below, I love the first two pictures and the girl with flowers in the hair.

  12. Anonymous5:39 pm BST

    wow those are super striking photos! i have another totally random question. what concessions do you buy when you're at the cinema?

  13. She looks marvelous.The 2nd outfit is my favorite.

  14. She has grown on me so much in the past couple of months. I am def loving the lacey underwear in the second photograph!

  15. chloe is a good girl for pulling out the experimental give it a go style-I love a risk taker.
    I was in Bristol for a personal shopping session for someone, only at Cribbs though.

  16. She looks adorable! Love all the outfits!


  17. I love her too. The jacket in the first pic is gorgeous.

    juliet xxx

  18. You couldn't be more right about the relevance of this editorial now.

  19. I need those lace shorts!!Lovely

  20. Oooh Chloe and in lacy hot pants? Girl crushing majorly right now.
    Q: Has blogging changed you/your style?

  21. I think she's the original Carrie Bradshaw in terms of style dont u think? She mixes all types of things, and she sort of looks a bit like her, with the blong hair and thin figure..

  22. Congrats on your anniversary, two years is a long time in the blog world!

  23. I didn't like her at first, but she's amazing in Big Love.

  24. i love her.

    how about synchronised cupcake eating?



  25. Hello! I am back! Yey!

    I missed blogging so much. I had a little skim read of your posts I missed, I love the blogging poses one. Very witty.

    Hope you've been having a good time working.

    x x x x x x

  26. Question, although someone has already asked it probably.

    Q: Do you see yourself working in the fashion industry?
    I am presuming so with the work experience, so...

    Q: Do you see yourself veering towards fashion journalism as a result of the blog, or another area?

    Oh, and I'm so up for cake eating in any form.

    young-shields x
