Tuesday, August 26, 2008

a little bird told me iv

lou doillon in vs magazine

"If I didn't have a pair of cut-off denim shorts, I wouldn't know what to do with myself. I wear denim shorts every day, it seems like." we don't know what we'd do with ourselves either, Erin Wasson.

"Everything inspires me but fashion. It's probably one of the things that inspires me least." Right you are, Christian Louboutin, just as long as you're still working your magic.

". . . All those Pucci numbers and things that I wore when I was 17 . . . I won't really wear. But I'm saving them for her really. That's my blackmail. "Don't eat your dinner, and you won't get my clothes." According to Kate, Lila Grace Moss eats brocolli, gets Pucci.

"What really touches me is the woman who is chic, knows herself, doesn't buy into mass marketing or publicity, but at the same time takes the trouble to look good and show off her best assets" I do agree Vivienne Westwood, but don't forget that fashion is business.

"I have kept every piece of clothing I’ve owned since I was 12. Being a c
omplete hoarder, I also have every magazine I have bought since I was 13." Me too, Katie Grand.

Lou Doillon sold out. "I always laugh today thinking if I ran into my younger self, she would slap me. Wearing designer clothes was like selling my soul to the devil."


  1. great quotes - can just picture mini moss shovelling down that broccoli!

    here are my questions;
    1) has there been any downsides to having a successful blog? has putting yourself 'out there' generated any nasty feedback for example?

    2)what is your priority if really pushed for time - showering or outfit? which would get neglected?

  2. great quotes - can just picture mini moss shovelling down that broccoli!

    here are my questions;
    1) has there been any downsides to having a successful blog? has putting yourself 'out there' generated any nasty feedback for example?

    2)what is your priority if really pushed for time - showering or outfit? which would get neglected?

  3. Anonymous4:16 pm BST

    I love that quote by Doillon!

  4. To think that I've managed to live my whole life without a pair of cut-off denim shorts!

  5. Anonymous5:13 pm BST

    hehe love your quote posts. the kate moss one is great!

  6. Thanks for sharing these great quotes. I'm really enjoying your blog. :)

  7. If I would have saved all tha mags from since I was 13 I would have a lot of shit around me.

    juliet xxx

  8. Lila grace is a lucky girl. (& I love brocolli!) Really like that Lou Doillon quote.

    Is there one song that sums up your blog completely?


  9. great quotes! i especially like the lou doillon one :)

  10. Anonymous11:55 pm BST

    Great quotes. I definitely agree with Erin Wasson!

  11. What a good idea for a post, I wish my mom would have blackmailed me with Pucci.


  12. Great, great set of quotes!

  13. Anonymous1:07 pm BST

    Agree with Vivienne Westwood and love Lou Doillon !!
