Tuesday, September 30, 2008


blue dress; topshop, transparent dress (colour showing); topshop sample sale, rings urban outfitters and topshop, shoes; new look

two outfit posts in two days, you say? yes, clearly somebody is feeling smug about with their recent wears..

i got asked out tonight at the last minute by college friends, it may be raining outside, but it's coming up to mid week, so we're slipping into dresses and heels and hanging out sans boys. so i rushed back home with wet wet hair and my lovely headscarf from yesterday's post equally wetwet and pondered through my wardrobe.

when i was doing my work experience in topshop, they had the most incredible sample sale ever in their canteen on my last day. the fashionistas sharpened their elbows and applied extra deodrant and descended onto rail upon rail of in-the-making samples. i came away all smug with big bag of goodies. the collar is actually attached to a transparent dress that i am wearing under the blue one, and it's circus loveliness is what caught my eye. i like to think this outfit has a bit of the nathalie press (see below) about it?

and the heels were from when i worked at new look; they're so fantastically tacky and a little carrie and i think were made to go with this collar.


  1. Haaaaa, I love it!

    Very fashion word

  2. what's up with that standing on the chair? :D

    juliet xxx

  3. haha silly me, fashion forward

  4. wow, i love your outfit posts. especially like the inspiration you've taken, with the 80s influences below.

  5. Anonymous10:16 pm BST

    wow, what a fabulous outfit! the collar and shoes add the perfect irreverent touch. and yesss nathalie press! now there's someone who should be a lot more famous than she is. i love her speaking voice...

  6. & also has a alison quality about it as well. hehe. just gorgeous.

    reminds me of the dress i wore to the show; such a massive collar it was!

    funny every time i see the word clowns now i immediately start singing the song in my head...typical, eh?

    but yes, this & you are stunning. i absolutely adore it. nathalie looks lovely.


    ps, hehehe is that the little birthday note i see? ;D

  7. you look great. i love the collar, transparent dress - sounds intriguing!

  8. Anonymous3:37 am BST

    fantastic! very goldfrapp and colorful

  9. Stevie, you look divine! I like this Bowie-esque outfit

  10. That dress is friggin' awesome.

  11. love the outfit - perfect colors and textures!

  12. don't know why, but this reminds me of alexa chung !
    i think it's maybe more that you yourself remind me of alexa, and not necessarily the outfit.
    but perhaps both together ?


  13. oh jessica, you flatterer, you!

    while personally i don't see the chung resemblence, i'll take that compliment and run!

    and abby, of course the title was indeed a frapp reference! you're not going mad..

  14. The collar and the shoes, love them!!
