Monday, September 29, 2008

donnie darko has taken me back to the 80s

tee; fox and fawn, shorts; kirsty lee's ebay, denim vest; homemade, shoes; vintage russell&bromley, scarf; my mum's, ring; topshop, necklace; a present from abby

for the past week, I seem to have been sub consciously channeling the 1980s. I think this is most probably as a result of watching a particular clip from donnie darko (set in 1988) about 40 odd times for film studies, and having tears for fears and echo and the bunnymen on shameless replay in my head and on my ipod.

the 80s influence finally struck me this evening when i was having a wardrobe experimenation session and without a second thought, whipped this scarf from my mum and knocked it around my hair. and i then realised this was of course an undoubted homage to the topshop unique show and it's bananarama references.

the denim vest is homemade; i hacked into the sleeves of an old denim jacket the other week and am most pleased with the results. considering sewing studs along the front of it..
and the new ring is from topshop, i bought it on my break the other day as i have a thing for shiny animal rings!

the stool is for purely for practicality; i'm sure those of you who take your outfit snaps yourself are aware of the trials of camera balancing, self-timer-ing and such, but then again, I guess I could pass the standing on the stool off as a cecil beaton reference?

the donnie darko clip. i'm in love; it's all i've been thinking about.


  1. LOL i was just thinking how cool the chair was when I read the bottom of your post... I still haven't mastered taking the perfect outfit pic. practice practice

    cool outfit too!

    megan /

  2. I love the 80's. Fantastic outfit

  3. i adore the way you wore the scarf! how did you tie it like that? teachhh me :) heheheheh

  4. I love Donnie Darko even if it manages to freak me out every time I watch it.

    You look great, I especially love the flowery headband!

  5. ah! thats the sweetest ring!

  6. that ring! ohmy! i am in absolute love with it.

    & i think it has a lot to do with the fact that miss goldfrapp has a gold one quite similar. she has a thing for shiny animal rings as well you see...;]

    goodness, i hope it pops up on the US site soon so i can add it to my neverending bday list. hehe.

    & you, my deer, look so adorable [in your new necklace - glad youre loving it] & that tee is just so cute!

    cute, cute, cute.

    i always love your outfits posts!

    love xoxoxoxoxox

  7. verrry cool!

    i ripped up a denim jacket a few years
    ago, i must find it now!

  8. Hello,

    Check out my little online vintage shoe shop!!

    Kind regards

  9. you look very cute with that bow :)

  10. The 80s is the best. I love wearing t -shirts like your one with blazers and with sunglasses and of course get some light denim in there! Its definitely one of my favourite fashion decades. loved the topshop show, love hair ribbons and love your outfit.

  11. ooh, wouldn't be amiss on the facehunter i think.

    oh and don't worry, i took mine on a chair too...i don't know how other bloggers manage to have great expanses of space in their house! y-s x

  12. Anonymous2:34 am BST

    awww that owl ring is so sweet!

    and donnie darko.. yum... :D

  13. you can never have too much love for the 80s! you look fabulous and fun :)

  14. so im just now able to watch that clip all the way through & we totally just read that short story in my brit lit class the other week. crazy!

    drews character seems fabulous...


  15. Heyy cute !!

    ♥ U're invited to take a Tiffany cupcake @ my blog ♥

  16. ah i love that you're still getting wear out of the shorts. makes me happy! i need to get another big ebay sale on the go... though no idea when i'm going to find the time.

    love those shoe by the way. i want some exactly like them.
