Monday, September 29, 2008

ohmygoodness! is katie grand leaving POP magazine?..

what an interesting week this is turning out to be; the conde nast rumour mill is buzzing!

i'm excited to see what katie grand could do for conde nast; i think lots will agree that with the hardly-directional Vogue we could do with some meaty fashion to get our teeth into.

but POP magazine is one of my favourite favourites. will it survive??

we better stand back and watch if anything comes of this..


  1. a new conde nast book is always a promising thing so don't fret, love!

  2. I am so over Vogue--not just cos they were evil, evil, evil when I was still doing PR but I just can't stand to read the book anymore. All the covers this year have been so tired and if I can't get past the cover, how can I even sift through all the ads to read it? Ho-freakin-hum ...

    A new book would be interesting to see. Conde Nasty needs a shot in the arm!

  3. This would shock me. Katie and Pop are like Ant and Dec. They just go as a pair!

  4. oooh i do like the odd rumour or two...
