Monday, September 08, 2008

suited and booted, a. from 10.17

I'm sure you've seen them popping up everywhere from fashion editorials to fashion blogs to fashionable street corners, & lately they've been popping into my head. & not surprisingly, as we sometimes seem to share the same thoughts, in stevie's mind too. & as much as i ooh & ahh over the inspiring filles that wear them; i have a hard time thinking of wearing them myself.

what am i talking about? well, doc martens of course.

perhaps its because i can't get the image out of my head of those grunge rockers of the 90s (& not the cool ones might i add) or maybe its the fear of all the odd looks i'll get with thoughts of "i havent seen those out in yeaarss!" or maybe it's as though i don't think i could quite feel like myself in them, but whatever the reason, i'm almost forcing myself to buy a pair & love myself in them (!)

so, for an extra push - i thought up a few little scenarios; each taken into account a favourite fashionable city of mine & inspiration from filles who are lucky enough to own an apt in that zip code what i think they might wear with them.




i think i'm convinced.

tfs, topshop, urban outfitters, american apparel, stockholm streetstyle

thank you to one of my best mates, the lovely a. from 10.17 for putting together this lovely little post. sometimes i wonder if we were twins separated ala the parent trap. but cooler. preferably with chloe as our older sister. be sure to check out her blog, as it's a feast to the eyes and ears.


this wheel's on fire said...

hhmmm. tough look to pull off...i wish you lots of luck! :)

..... said...

doc martens of course !! i couldnt agree more

Anonymous said...

these outfits were lovely! =)

Tinsley said...

wow i have missed a lot havent i?
just saying quickly that im still here and ive missed this blog and you!
definetly some great reading to catch up on

and youve gone and gotten a makeover
or a premakover makeover? :P

tons of love

Anonymous said...

oo i like the guest collab! i love how each version of the docs is divided by city!

Anonymous said...

i dunno. i fear them because they make my legs look bad. though i used to own 6 pairs or something. lo, high, lo steel toe, they even made loafers, and a puma type sneaker at one point. and another i can't remember.

Sarah said...

i found your page throughout hers.
and youre as amazing as she is.

Sarah said...

i found your page throughout hers.
and youre as amazing as she is.

Anonymous said...

The floral doc martens, also the red ones are so cool

Bojana said...

I've actually been having the same thoughts struttering in my head!! I really love the patent pink ones, but the one I love most are the flowery print that Alix from the cherry blossom girl just bought...those are pretty amazing!!

If I can see her, the prettiest daintiest girl ever look girly in those, then I'm definitely buying them.

And, oh, great post !! As if I even needed to clear that out... duhhh :)

July Stars said...

The lovely and wonderful a.
Her blog is brilliant. I just wish she would post on a more regular basis!
a. : Take note!!!

Meghan and Lana said...

Fantastic post! My two favorite bloggers united! This gives me a lot of good ideas on how to wear my new red Doc-ish vintage boots!
x L

Anonymous said...

oh the doc martens dilemna...i have had exactly the same feelings. should i? shouldn't i? i think they're a little over done now though...there are plenty different styles out there other than the DM brand so i think it would be better to go for something other than the obvious because the big black boots look is actually a pretty good one...practical and comfy if your living in rubbish weather england too!

Ella Gregory said...

I fear my feet are too big for my body for me to be able to pull them off. Daisy always makes them look so cool.

Jaclyn Johnson said...

awww i love blogger friendships!

molly said...

yes they have such a rock n roll vibe to them.
i cant believe how long its been since ive been to your blog...disgustingly long!

emsie said...

i saw this girl wearing a green pair, and really liked them. but not sure if i'd be able to pull them off.

really liked this collab post. i do love 10.17 anyway!

Miss at la Playa said...

I love her blog, I've been visiting it for months, it's great.

young-shields said...

ahh my friends have doc martens ----if i could afford them i would totally go for it! i think they're surprisingly easy to pull off to a certain extent, especially in patent black

y-s x

Paris Tarts said...

I really like these collages!


sophie said...

I want the hot pink ones :)
Loved the post.

Link exchange?

Anna Pope said...

I've been contemplating Doc Martens for some time now too. Thank you for the inspiration!

whole in. said...

hopefully this will be a regular occurrence?

Siru said...

I hope this trend will not be huge. Though people haven went all mad with shoes resently, the uggs, crocks... So i guess here's the next one.
a seems like a good writer.

juliet xxx


Muy chulo el post y el blog de la chica esta es genial!
Muy buena la entrevista con Queen Carine...puro estilo.

LEESH said...

i was just looking at them on ebay!

Jennifer said...

love my docs. classic black, 14 eyes.