Monday, October 06, 2008


completely love the shy colours and 'pinking-sheared' edges which bring the dreamy demure edge of the chloe girl back to form. i want to be head over heels in love with the collection, but am still hesitating a little over the shapes of some of the trousers which are veering far too close to mc hammer. while this is not particularly a bad thing, I don't think it really works with the flirtiness of the rest of the pieces.

i sincerely hope that there won't be any more creative director re-jigs though. at the moment, chloe feels a little bit like an fragile child who is being carted between foster homes, with new people always coming and going! as any child psychologist can testify; chloe needs stability!


sierra said...

i agree about the creat.directing, but the colour palette is dreamy..!

Anonymous said...

ooo lovely colors

Ella Gregory said...

I liked the pieces towards the end of the collection (I have actually made a short post on them, not yet up) but I agree with you that it is a little bit... meh?

I always think the collections look tons better in the ads than on the runway.
Oh and I have been reading all your posts, I just don't have time to comment each one, but that picture of Kanye a few below made my day when I saw it. He's too cool!

Bojana said...

I didn't like this collection.

Seriously, I didn't think it was Chloé at all.

Clothes? Bah. Shoes? Nothing exeptional.

Generally dissapointed

Anonymous said...

Chloe needs stability! hehe

Love it.

ohmigosh, I want to watch The Dreamers soo badly! That has to be put on the top of the 183873 other things i'm supposed to be doing right now :(

p.s. Willa's so adorable..convenient, since she's dating the skullset dude!

Mimi said...

A couple outfits were very nice and I liked the bow details on nearly every outfit.though i think this was not the best collection..

Kat said...

Some of the pieces were really lovely like those crisp white dresses at the beginning, like no.2,love no.1 too.its a nice collection but nothing stands out.

SICK. said...

pretty pastels paired with chalky neutrals were boung to turn out well. especially when you throw in a little bit of gold lame, right ? i can definitely see the mc hammer similiraties though.

sidenote: i loved the hair and makeup at chloe ss09. it was simple but beautiful (as opposed to simple and carefree seen numerous times elsewhere, where true beauty & glamour is questionable).


ps - to be honest, jessica and i have never posted about what sets us apart or what makes us similar to one another. that is a great idea ! except it can often be quite hard to describe one's self. let's call it a work-in-progress. thanks for the suggestion :]

Nature Graffiti said...

i vasttttllyyyy enjoyed chloe

Nature Graffiti said...

p.s. trade links?

alluretone said...

i didn't look at the collection yet, but im not sure i like what i see. i secretly want anderson back :(

la petite fashionista said...

i love that little olive colored matching skirt & jacket.. it's like clueless for the 21st century

A. said...

funny & true story : so i was watching this show online saturday night & saw that model with the cute choppy bob walk down the runway & since i have been so fed up with my hair as of late - i went into the bathroom & did a bit of a diy project on my hair (!)

i know, i know. haha. but it turned out so well. im shocked actually.

never thought id do it in my entire life.

pretty collection though. i love the the peekaboo details on the tops. x

cotton candy said...

chloe...i've never found fault with their fashion lines. it's always lovely and romantic - just the way that i like it. ^-^

Alya said...

I loved Chloe's latest collection.. Like a breath of fresh air..

Iñaki said...

Most definitely one of my favourite collections of the season. Couldn't say it better than yourself: "dreamy demure edge" is back.
