Thursday, December 18, 2008

advent season: day eighteen, models with the seal of approval

sasha pivovorova

lara stone

for those of us living in the uk..

you have until the end of the day to get your christmas cards in the post by 2nd class.
and until the end of saturday for first class!

if only the stamps were like this..


  1. Luckily I have no cards to send, the whole posting thing sounds stressful with all the deadlines and stuff.
    Also apartamento looks really good - I am going to look out for it. Have you read Plastique? It's quite good.

    x x x x

  2. i'l' definitely let you know! you'll be the first to know ^^
    the link you sent me is adorable. i'm literally obsessed with it! i'm gona post sth soon and give you credits for the info!!!!


  3. thanks, darling. :)


    your blog is sweet.. by the way.


  4. Aw thanks Stevie for your lovely comment! Glad you liked the posts!

    haha yes, I certainly did brush up on my photoshop skills - no more microsoft Paint for me!

    Loving the xmas posts, each one is so creative:-)

  5. These stamps are too cute! What a fab idea! LOVE the sasha one. I wish these were real :(

  6. I'd love a Lara Stone stamp.

  7. I'm loving your advent season posts!


  8. Anonymous11:04 am GMT

    Oh wow, I really can't get enough of Lara in my life right now. I would absolutely spend my hard earned money on a stamp with her divine face on it.
    the things we do for love.
    I was actually lucky enough to bump into her the other day in camden, but obviously instead of somehow managing to persuade her that we should be best friends and that I should be her stylist, she left the conversation thinking I was a crazy lesbian stalker.
    it was too traumatic. I actually went home and cried into my November issue of ID with her on the cover.
    sorry for all that randomness^^
    keep up the great work Stevie!!

  9. Anonymous11:24 pm GMT

    Put them on a Penny Black and that would be perfection....

  10. Anonymous11:20 pm GMT

    It is certainly interesting for me to read that blog. Thanx for it. I like such topics and anything connected to them. I definitely want to read a bit more soon.
