Wednesday, December 17, 2008

advent season: day seventeen; apartamento in your stocking

there is a week to go until christmas, and if you're totally stuck on presents and willing to throw money at the situation, or indeed if you feel like treating to yourself to a little something after all of the inevitble rushing, you must, you must find yourself a copy of apartamento.

i found myself flicking through the delight of an interiors magazine during my last trip to london, and i can safely say that it is the best out there; for design nerds, it's fabulous content matches it's knee quiver inducing layout. all

shot using a "like totally grainy camera, man", the overall quality of the magazine is hazy magnificence.With inspiring articles about the editor of interview magazine who lives in a cottage in the heart of nyc's west village (?!) and about an anti squatters global organisation that can see you room sharing in beautiful derelict buildings, you'll finish reading with your jaw slack. and a newfound passion to live like a "total free spirit, man".

it's £10 for the magazine, which yes is steep, but i put my hand on my heart and urge you to go ahead anyway. buy a stack and give one to each of your friends, roll it up and put in a stocking, or keep it all to yourself!

see here for buying info, stockists:

first 2 images,, scans my own


  1. how cool... apartamento is a spanish words :)


  2. Great looking mag. Now I want to redecorate!

  3. this magazine looks beautiful. love looking at interiors/design.

    i'm still hoping that someone will pop a copy of muse magazine (coco issue) or lula (kirsten dunst) in my stocking. very unlikely though.

  4. lorra money! looks amazing though. i so want to redecorate my room.

    well i thought my whale joke was stupendous..

    y-s xx

  5. Anonymous5:52 pm GMT

    25 Euros outside Europe! Yikes! But wow, what inspirational spreads.

  6. This looks so gorgeous... Everything actually looks lived in and like a home! I wonder if I can get it in my little local magshop? (damn living in new zealand!)

  7. i absolutely heart interior photos.
    thanks for sharing such amazing pictures.

  8. oooh sounds like a fantastic coffee table book!

  9. so this is it? hee

    its fabulous! that chandelier in the bedroom?! the cottage in the middle of nyc?! again. fabulous as weve previously stated ;]

    i wonder if i could hunt down a copy here in the US...hmm, i think im becoming addicted already.


  10. ps, "if you feel like treating to yourself to a little something after all of the inevitble rushing"

    oh, do i ever! ive never felt it as much as i have this season. & the silly deadlines dont help, i guess my perfectionist procrastination doesnt either. ha!

    love you! x

  11. This is all well and good, but I'm afraid if I were to purchase it it would turn out affecting me like a paper version of The Selby - making me depressed about how grotty my student flat is. Bastards.

    Lola (Formerly of Wife On Mars, innit?)

  12. What a great magazine!
    The price is a bit...much, but looks like it would be a worthy purchase.

  13. if only i could get in those photos, i could enjoy for ever, and save a lot of money. some help please? Dorothy, good witch, bad witch?? and thank you for making my heart go a bit faster every time i come here...

  14. Those are some stunning interiors.

  15. I love books! Cafe table books are just so great!

    juliet xxx

  16. it looks so good! I saw the first picture and fell in love with the image AND the fonts... I will maybe buy it!! It's just 10...

  17. i love this kind of books and mags!!! my sis collects them, she is an arquitect

  18. Looks great, and very inspirational..

  19. We bought this! Tis indeed fabbo. I think D got it from Clair de Rouen in Charing X Road. I love it, really nicely written and interesting people/interiors. Nice post X
