Friday, December 26, 2008

before i bottle it.. the first video post!

alas, yet again, after much anticipation, christmas day has now been and gone. i had a chilled day with the family, basically consisting of eating, intervals of sleeping and enough stretching of legs to then justify another portion of trifle or a turkey sandwich.

shame on us and on gluttony. but otherwise it was a rather modest christmas. everyone tightening their belts and all that, but personally, i found it rather refreshing to have a pile of presents that wasn't toppling over and reeking of decadence. and the quality of my lovely gifts were not at all compromised, but more on that maybe later.

i returned home at the end of the day to rather belatedly discover that yes, I can record videos on my laptop with sound (albeit quiet sound) and hurriedly recorded my first mini video blog before fear could stop me!

i'll try to minimise excuses as I think it's best just to get on with it, but you will need to turn up your volume a lot as I have a wee microphone, and as I say in the video, this is really a bit of an experiment. it's bloody nerve wracking posting this thing though, as I realise I sound rather public schoolish, which is not at all me!

ack, what the hell, just watch and let me know what you think..

And I guess now we're on to proclaiming HAPPY NEW YEAR!

ps, now that christmas day has passed, the advent posting has stopped. it was fun this year, but I'm glad to be able to blog without wracking my brains for any kind of seasonal fashion reference!


A. said...


stevie! i MUST send you a txt now!

this is such a fabulous holiday pressie in itself.

gah, i just adore you! hee xxxx

Anonymous said...

i could barely hear anything from the video.. *sniffles*
nehoo happy new year discothequechic !!!!

Annabel Wendt (LoveMore) said...

Merry Christmas! Thanks for your post, your blog is lovely! :)
Yes the summer is great in Aust for Xmas! I went fishing today out on the boat too and caught the biggest fish of the day! haha WOO!
I cannot view the videa yet sorry love as this computer on the island is SO slow, but will be home tomorrow night (yay) so can view it then. all the best xx LM

Anonymous said...

thank you so much, it means alot! xo

jeanie annan-lewin said...

YOUr sooooo cute i was thinking of doing a little video to but i'm a bit of chatterbox and it would kinder be like russel brand minus the laughs ha ha ha xxx

Fashion Tidbits said...

how lovely!!!!! a v-blog, thanks so much for posting! merry christmas!!!!!!!

Bojana said...

Heee you know what??

( Take it in a really good way)

You used to remind me or Irina Lazareanu's lil sis, but now that I think of it, you actually remind me of Keira Knightley.

So yeah. You're Irina and Keira's illegitimate lovechild. How cool is that?

Hope you're having nice holidays.

Love xxx

jeanie annan-lewin said...

oh ps the specials are great they played at the pub i work at this summer xxx

young-shields said...

ooooh i love video blogs, they're so interesting. well done, and hey, its good to be well-spoken on record - i always think i sound pretty common when i leave answering machine messages etc :/

thanks for putting me in your december best reads, i only just noticed! i loved the mix too, sebastien telliers my fave.

ps. the specials played in her ^ pub????

Irene (capuccinobar) said...

i must confess, i had to connect my ipod to the laptop, so i could hear you clearly, haha (but i was my laptop's fault, duh, i have to fix it soon)
i love the rings you are wearing, btw, i got one very similar to yours this christmas, hehe

the video was very cool, really

Happy Christmas!


Anonymous said...

Nice gesture! Happy Holidays by the way....

Anonymous said...

ooo cute video, definitely love this new fresh feature. and as total anglophile american, I love listening to your delightful accent :)

The Stylish Wanderer said...

OMG! your accent! fantastic.

loveology said...

Ooh so nice and sweet!
Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog, dear. It means a lot.
Actually, since it doesn't take me hours to find all that images, but before that i never cared. I love it!


Reena Rai said...

I love video posts! I couldn't hear properly though, internet connection in my room is appalling but I need to find a way over it as my sub and speakers are in my room. Hope you had a fantastic Christmas honey x

Marian said...

darling congrats on your first video post! youve the prettist smile.
love your account of your xmas,had you a lovely time.

emsie said...

Hope you had a great christmas!
Really like this video - you have a lovely voice.

& the mix was brilliant too


Ana said...

It was a bit hard to hear but I love your voice (haha a bit sketchy but I do.)

I will have to check out the dead fleurette mix.

May Kasahara said...

funnnnnnnnnn ♥

Mónica said...

this video is a nice present by itself. I could barely hear what you were saying, but it's a very nice gesture what you did;)!

Anonymous said...

you are sooo gorgeous & i agree with the keira comment.

Anthea said...

Nice video..but I had trouble with the volume! Hope you are having an awesome holiday :)

Michelle said...

It's lovely to hear you speak! even if I do have to turn the volume up to 11, but its worth it ;)

Syed said...

Ooo yay video post!! Hope you had a wonderful christmas dear :)

Beba said...

you asked me and i must confess that this is the most mature and less annoying video post i've seen in our blogosphere. i really like the way you treat it. seriously without losing your time in front of a camera. keep up!

wishing you happy happy holidays (:


Annabel Wendt (LoveMore) said...

hello love...finally tried veiwing your video but could hear NOTHING on my poor little laptop :( hope you are well x LM

Ella Gregory said...

Gaah my laptop sound is too silent for anything, so I'm going to have to save this till I'm on the PC.
So exciting though, very brave of you.

Hope you had a good Christmas. x x x

Aisha said...

I watched the whole video (you've got a pretty voice I must say), but understood half of it, sad, I know. Don't blame it on you, it's just that american english is a lot easier for me to understand than british, actually american is the one that teach us in school.

By the way, I loved the fleurette remix, there were awesome songs in it I already knew, but other that were knew to me (finding new artists is always great), I listened to it while making smhashed sweet potatoes ('camote' in spanish) for the eve.

Vera said...

Great video, babe!

Morgan said...

I love your video : )

Glad you had a well christmas.

Anna Pope said...

Love your accent :)

Anonymous said...

you're so sweet! I love blog..I'm currently in the fashion industry and I pretty much check your blog on a daily basis! I hope all is well and Happy New Year!