Thursday, February 19, 2009

What to wear to Fashion Week

Now, I won't get on a high horse and act all cool and uninterested, because I must admit I'm very excited to be going to my second Topshop Unique show on saturday. The last collection was brilliant and with whispers of a space theme doing the rounds this one could top the last, as galaxy prints and anything cosmos related are just my cup of tea.

of course, there is the ever present question of what to wear. seasoned fashion editors and industry insiders alike will play this one down; and fair enough too because after traipsing around show after show, relentless waiting, and watching as the novelty slowly wears off, they'll be thinking more about their next looming deadline.

but for the amateurs like myself, this squeal of delight slowly turns to nervousness at the prospect of choosing an outfit to wear as you stand in the same room as alexandra shulman (well, alex..not so much.), kate lanphear, alexa chung, roisin murphy et al (namedrop, me?).

ah, what the hell. I'm off to London tomorrow morning and still haven't packed. I ended up making a "The Row" and Taghrid inspired video instead (the irony of procrastination!) which considering my complete lack of knowledge in the editing field, I'm fairly pleased with.

I may or may not get a chance to post until after the show on saturday, but shall be back with a fun little report and some snaps hopefully.


  1. Anonymous4:23 am GMT

    This is so adorable, the music fits perfectly!

    I love that little bowtie.

    And ahh, so jealous, I wish I could go to fashion week :(

  2. oh i can't get over these clever outfit posts! I'm sure whatever you where, you'll look awesome judging by the garb we've seen (read:envy)

    Though it would be extra-amazing if you could turn up in a 'shoulder action' bedsheet dress! I kind of want one haha

    Good luck, darling and have fun :)

  3. ohh i love your video. it's so hard to pick a favourite look as you look so good in all of them. i did love the floral dresses and the first skirt outfit. have fun at fashion week and say hi to alexa for me.

  4. oh how i love this! & oh how i wish i was there to help you decide, the next morning us both leaving for ldn town & hopeful dreams of bumping into a chloe or ro...


    my favourite look out of these has to be (naturally) the second look. the button up shirt & trousers, although from what i could see i wasnt totally feeling the belt. but thats just me being honest & never liking too many accessories.

    it looks so smart & fresh.

    & really this was the cutest video ever. & oh yes text me loads throughout the weekend to keep me ontop of every little thing, yes?

    eee! im so excted for you! so excited.

    lots of love xxxx

    ps, would love it if you could comment that post. i want everyone to see what you think too!

  5. Anonymous5:40 am GMT

    omg amazing little video, you look great in every single little outfit! i love those tea dresses, but the shorts are really something. such a stunning wardrobe, have fun!

  6. Anonymous9:07 am GMT

    I think the light floral dress, blazer and hair definitely up!
    Oh and the glasses.
    Have fun.

  7. Cool video!
    I'd choose one of the first three outfits!

  8. cool :)
    i'm going as well.
    maybe i'll see you and say hi!
    are you going to the pre-show reception?

  9. Reading your blog is so much fun!! Concerning clothes, I'd say go for the floral dress.

  10. ah i want to go!
    you've also been tagged :)

  11. ahh what a cute video! love those 2 songs.

  12. haha, that was cute! what program did you use?

  13. I loved watching that video! It brings back memories of watching Cher get dressed in Clueless with her Polaroids. I really love all the little floral dresses, where are they from?

  14. Love it! Made me smile :) x

  15. cute video :-) so jealous you get to go to the topshop unique show! have a great time! can't wait to see pics!

  16. You missus are extremely lucky! I am excited at the prospect of a space theme, wowowow.

    Well done for this vid, it was really fun i thought! Your hair is really cool.

    y-s x

  17. Lucky you,
    topshop unique!
    I wish i was going
    ahh next year =]
    i loved the floral dress and the blazer that was cute =]

  18. hahaha love the video! So cute every outfit!!


    I wish i could go too, martha!

  19. you are too awesome!
    love the pink floral dress and blazer especially

  20. another fabulous post. such a treat to see inside your world and wardrobe! that bow tie is so quirky & hot! love the floral playsuit (are they padded shoulders i spy) and the floral dress - i'm a big florals chick - layered with the tights. love the blazer. its all working. glaxies & florals all mixed up and a bow tie is my vote. did i mention i am a maximalist?! hope u have a fab time hobnobbing, can't wait to read your report and hopefully see what you wore xx

  21. That video was awesome!! I couldn't make that in a million years probably. You're so lucky to be invited to that show...enjoy!!

  22. Anonymous12:21 pm GMT

    aw your so lucky, i was in London yesterday and had heart palpitations when my mom pointed out that our cab was driving past the venue for fashion wk. hope you have a great time,i love the third outfit & your purple skirt.

  23. haha That was utterly brilliant! It reminded me a lot of a certain The Row video I saw a while ago! This was more fun, tho. What did you wear in the end? Those flower tights are bloody fantastic!


  24. ahh ! that video is genius, i loved it :]
    great & clever work stevie .


  25. that video was sooo cool! i wish i knew how to do that sort of thing..i am HOPELESS with technology..the worst. nice work. your outfits were great. my fav was the one with the black blazer :)

    xxx LM

  26. Anonymous10:06 pm GMT

    Remember my front row post featuring you, with what would bloggers wear if they were to go to fashion week?And now you actually get to see a show! Funny heh :D

  27. Your so lucky! Cute little video too

    Please check out


  28. Love the video so much and the music works so perfectly!

  29. That was awesome! Loved the resulting outfit. :-)

  30. That was awesome! Loved the resulting outfit. :-)

  31. hehe great video, I have spent all afternoon doing this very thing for a night out tonight... and well I went with the first one! Your blog is fabby...
