Streetpeeper.com says..
I've never been particularly mad on the Victoria's Secret girls, but throw in a second hand bicycle, a ukulele, some home grown vegetables and I become very open minded on the subject.
Pania Rose is a modern day fairy princess, and though as a model by day she is preened, prodded and dressed up, she enjoys getaways to her cottage in Long Island where she grows flowers, plays with her dogs, makes log fires and can slum about in her dungarees for as long as she fancies.
As somebody who lives in this city, she induces some serious lifestyle envy. Makes me miss the days when I lived in a caravan on a farm with my Dad and would hide in the raspberry bushes eating fruit until my fingers were bright pink and my stomach hurt!
+beirut is her favourite band
+she likes to spend her weekend reading the New York Times, pottering around her cottage and taking a drive in her old Falcon car
+she's worked with Peter Beard who "was completely nuts and utterly charming."
+she's insanely pretty but refreshingly interesting
+these two videos..
how fantastic are these photos..? apparently supermodels chit chat in the loos too, and here is proof from the met costume gala. spot racquel zimmerman and angela lindvall as well as january jones and tamara mellon all sharing a crafty fag and reapplying make up together.
here's hoping that smoke detector didn't go off..
love magazine