Wednesday, May 20, 2009

inspiration on a wednesday



Anonymous said...

These are great looks for winter, the weather in brisbane is miserable at the moment so no more trans seasonal looks for me haha. I especially like the blue cropped shirt look. Something I would definitely wear. xx

A. said...

was JUST going to do stckhlm ss post myself this week!

damn you!


ps, that last girl with the snakeskin top? bloody amazing.

alice said...

love Love LOVE this post, and the girl on the top right x

Anonymous said...

Great post girl! I love the girl in the baggy pink jumper with the docs - grunge at its finest.

Zara said...

I adore the snakeskin top. Thrifting time... xoxo

Four Letter Words said...

I love wednesdays! This makes me want to go shopping...

Four Letter Words said...

I love wednesdays! This makes me want to go shopping...

Tasha Franken said...

These photos are great!!

young-shields said...

i realllllly loved that last shot - so genius, i've got to get myself to a h&m clearly!

y-s x

Mash said...

it's just perfect , i love the first outfit <3

Pip said...

Love the second outfit - the combination of crop top and tailored pants is perfect!

Meream said...

Love the 5th outfit. Love the 6th, too, but probably because the girl is oozing attitude. :)

Camila Mongelli said...

I love your blog, I mean, I really love it.

Anonymous said...

i would love to visit stockholm one day

Anonymous said...

I love them all.

daisy kate said...

Top right and bottom right are absolutely stunninnng. I read somewhere that the bottom right tee is H&M, I can't remember where though, but I've been searching high and low for it, to no avail!
I think the biggest compliment u fashionistas could ever get is to be photographed for a steet style.
Kate ♥

Sarah said...

Love the top right, Diane Kruger eat your heart out!

Charlotte said...

Second look is my favourite.

steph. said...

I love the big fluffy jumper. I've been looking for one for ages now but cant seem to find the right one :(
Do you want to exchange links?

Luxe. said...

Love the girl in the snake print top.x

Anonymous said...

do you mind my knees?

Ilse said...

beautiful coats? check. stunning shoes? check. scandinavian? check. all in all, flabbergastingly cool? check, check, check.
I think I want to move to Stockholm.

Michelle said...

Street style galore! Trust the Swedes to make snake print looks uber classy.

Marina, Chloé et Andy said...

amazing outfits.

Love from Barcelona


Hasta la vista, Mademoiselle

Anonymous said...

what a gr8 motorcycle jacket!

personal style and lovely fashion stuff here too <3, come visit!

Emily said...

i love the top 2 looks.. especially because they seem easy to re-do for summer. change the length of a few things, ditch the tights, but keep the feel to the outfits.

Marie-Louise said...

stockholm street style is great- they are so origional and its always intresting to follow!

Allie said...

That snakeskin top is amazing. Stockholm style really puts the rest of us to shame! I hope I get the opportunity to go someday and see it firsthand.

Allie said...

That snakeskin top is amazing. Stockholm style really puts the rest of us to shame! I hope I get the opportunity to go someday and see it firsthand.

Victoria Hart said...

Love all of these outfits, fabulous!

Anna Pope said...

Those girls can seriously rock any look!

Anonymous said...

love the military style jacket :) your blog is inspirational xx

Fashion Tidbits said...

sweet. thanks so much for that

Rebecca said...

damnn you sweedish girls :(! haha x

jessica said...

number 1 and number last,

Flora said...

i want to go to stockholm sooo much.

Vera said...

Stockholm's packed with style!

Jules said...

Love the leather jacket on the second photo.Looking forward on your next post,have a great day.=)

A Writers Den
The Brown Mestizo

Unknown said...

Nice editorial of photos.I like the first photo..;D Hope to see more from you.;D

Travel and Living

home girl said...

the snakeskin top really stands out. i think i'm inspired now to get out my sewing machine and alter all the thrifted snakeskin waiting in my sewing basket

Anonymous said...

That snakeskin top is amazing!!

Unknown said...

Love those outfit!
Specially the dark blue oversized blazer and vintage bag :D