Tuesday, November 10, 2009

pas comme les moutons

I must admit that I've never been a keen member of the headwear appreciation club. The sight of my own hat clad reflection in a mirror would trigger an amused reaction, and a swift removal of the article, shrugging with relief that I mustn't be a 'hat person'. Upon reflection, this resolution seems a little coward like, for I suspect that it is in fact rooted in fear!

To me, hats are for brave souls. They can make or break an outfit, but in many cases they are the finishing touch with the ability to superglue the image of a well dressed woman to one's mind.

It is with this philosophy in mind that I find myself surprised by my changing approach. What began with a bit of a thing for mouse ears and wigs is now progressing with momentum onto hairbands. And I'm not talking about any old simple headband, these are fully fledged encrusted, silk pleated, feathered treasures. The offenders are the product of Amee Carter and Sabrina Bacon, the best friends behind Pas Comme les Moutons, and I find their lookbook to be most persuasive. It kicks to the kerbside any associations with blow dries or prim Upper East Side style (Charlotte York's manner of wearing them springs to mind) and instead favours a bohemian look more akin to that of Josephine de la Baume.

Even if my head objects to a little decor, my heart cannot and there is something deeply appealing about Pas Comme les Moutons hairbands. Pushed back onto a mass of yesterday's washed hair, they look carefree and completey girlish. They remind of me of those personalised hairbands worn in the school playground; my best friend had one in velvet with her name carefully frosted on in glittery type. Right now such a specimin wouldn't go amiss in my own wardrobe..

The above images are from the Fall/Winter 08 collection but you can still find these products, as well as more recent ones over at the Pas Comme les Moutons shop


  1. i see what you mean they look really pretty.

    and flashback to primary school and those headbands! i had one too...with my name...in glittery frosted type haha


  2. Gorgeous selection of photos, I love the hairband in the last photo!

  3. Anonymous2:17 am GMT

    have you seen the stuff at ban.do? irresistible. :-)

  4. gorgeous, will definitely be buying one

  5. SO Pretty !
    I love the doodles on the pictures :)
